Leaders On A Path Leadership Training Program
Charleston Job Corps Center President: Julien Brown Vice President: Christopher Hummel Secretary: Pending Treasurer: Kashuna Summers Sergeant At Arms: Dominique Stubbs Committee Chairman: Carl Chew Public Relations: Pending
Concerns Our concerns as the student government of Charleston Job Corps Center are the leaders not stepping up, not being strong educators and not serving as role models to the population of the center.
Our Challenge and Goal Our challenge is to build a better leadership foundation for the population at Charleston Job Corps Center. Our goal is to develop a strong leadership program that students will want to look up to.
Solution #1-Improve Leadership Training TASKPERSON RESPONSIBLE Present idea to Leadership Coordinator and Center Director All of Student Government Present idea to Leadership Advisors, Presidents, and Vice Presidents. President Create a schedule containing the information and curriculum needed for the meetings. Committee Chairman
Solution #2 Provide More Opportunities For Community Service TASKPERSON RESPONSIBLE Have Leadership Coordinator organize places in the community for possible work sites. All of Student Government Reach out to the community to arrange orientation with the SGA Vice President
Solution #3 Start Mentor and Mentee Program TASKPERSON RESPONSIBLE Present the idea to the Center Director.All of Student Government SGA meet with the top 2 leaders of each committee.Sergeant at Arms Meet with Social Director to elaborate on the idea of the program. Secretary
Conclusion In conclusion the student government of Charleston Job Corps Center is going to build an efficient center wide leadership. We will know we have accomplished our goal when: 1)Our leadership is more influential to the student body. 2)When our leadership program is taking more initiative to progress and make leadership the center of student life at Charleston Job Corps.
Thank You, Have a Happy Holiday!