September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation POLLUTION PREVENTION TEMPLATES WESTAR Technical Conference Snowbird, Utah
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation EXISTING POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAMS List of P2 programs addressing air quality concerns AND unrelated to electric energy conservation and renewable power generation –Transportation demand management –Alternative fuels and AFV deployment –Mass transit –Low emission consumer product programs Paints, cosmetics, propellants Program description for each program –Basics of how the program works –Who participants and how
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation EXISTING POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAMS Comprehensive list of existing EERE programs and incentives offered by state, local and federal agencies, utilities, and private industry –Necessary, but NOT sufficient Program description for each program –Basics of how the program works –Who participants and how –Energy performance, if available Annual and cumulative energy impact –Emissions reduction estimates, if available Estimated annual and cumulative emissions reductions –Future plans for each program
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation RE GENERATION CAPACITY INSTALLED IN-STATE Compilation of nameplate capacity for all existing photovoltaic, wind, geothermal, “low- impact” hydroelectric, biomass, and landfill methane generation –Grid connected and off-grid systems inventoried and reported separately –Capacity of small RE generating systems estimated Net metering program data Surveys of vendors Projections of sales through the end of 2002 Complete template and append details
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation RENEWABLE ENERGY POWER PRODUCTION Annual power output for existing photovoltaic, wind, geothermal, “low-impact” hydroelectric, biomass, and landfill methane generation systems –Grid connected and off-grid systems inventoried and reported separately –Capacity of small RE system power production estimated Net metering program data Surveys of vendors Projections of power from new RE systems through 2002 Complete template and append details
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation EXISTING RE CAPACITY AND POWER PRODUCTION COMPARED TO STATE TOTAL Compilation of total statewide installed generating capacity and annual power production –EIA data –State energy agency data RE proportions/percentages
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation INCENTIVE PROGRAMS FOR MEETING 10/20 RE GOALS List of all programs and policies state will offer or adopt to meet 10/20 RE goals –Existing –New and expanded Program description for each new program or policy –Basics of how the program works –Who participants and how –Energy performance, if available Annual and cumulative energy impact –Emissions reduction estimates, if available Estimated annual and cumulative emissions reductions
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation CHARACTERIZE PROGRESS TOWARD RE POWER GOALS Progress based on statewide consumption of RE power compared to all power consumption –Accounts for RE power generated elsewhere in response to state policy or purchases Projected total statewide RE power consumption with program and policy incentives –RE generated off-grid –RE from net metering –RE from “green power” or “green pricing” programs –RE in utilities rates base paid by in-state customers Projected total statewide power consumption –EIA forecasts –State energy office or utility forecasts RE power fraction compared to the 10/20 goals
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation INCENTIVES FOR OVER AND/OR EARLY COMPLIANCE Unclear what information is needed –May have been intended to apply to all emissions reduction measures, not just P2, when included in GCVTC report –2.5 ton allowance per megawatt of installed RE nameplate capacity included in the SO2 Trading Program could be considered a possible “early compliance program” –Renewable energy activities outside of the electricity sector, e.g., the use of biofuels Should be clarified with EPA
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation PROGRAMS TO MAINTAIN AND ENHANCE ENERGY EFFICIENCY List of all programs and policies state will offer maintain and improve energy efficiency –Existing –New and expanded Program description for each new program or policy –Basics of how the program works –Who participants and how –Energy performance, if available Annual and cumulative energy impact –Emissions reduction estimates, if available Estimated annual and cumulative emissions reductions
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation MAP RE DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL AND DISTRIBUTION State maps of solar, wind, geothermal and biomass power potential with transmission system overlays –Land and Water Fund of the Rockies, NREL, DOE, state energy offices Superimpose landfills generating enough methane to produce power economically and low-impact hydropower sites, such as irrigation and water supply conduits –State waste and water management agencies
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation TABLE OF EERE PROGRAM SAVINGS AND BENEFITS Project economic and environmental impacts –Short and long-term emissions reductions –Visibility improvements –Cost savings –Secondary benefits Employment benefits State specific estimates derived from regional analyses completed by the AP2 Forum
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation WRAP AP2 FORUM CONTRIBUTIONS Exemplary RE and EE program menus and descriptions of measures Regional assessment of emissions reductions, cost savings and secondary benefits of EE programs and RE goals Technical support and assistance
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation P2 SIP ISSUES TO BE RESOLVED Renewable/alternative fuel use in the transportation sector Address the “beyond/early compliance provisions in §51.309(d)(8)(ii) Resolve requirements outlined in §51.309(d)(8)(i) and (d)(8)(vi) Accounting for federal programs, e.g., Energy Star Developing state-specific projections of expected improvements/benefits How projections of EERE visibility improvement will be developed and by whom
September 17, 2002 Van Jamison, POWAIR and Global Environment and Technology Foundation