By Kelly and Keri On The Roman Empire Julius Caesar By Kelly and Keri On The Roman Empire
Julius Caesar’s Life Julius Caesar was born in July 100 B.C.E. His birthplace was Subura, Rome. There were several wars from 91 B.C.E. to 82 B.C.E. When his father died in 85 B.C.E., Julius became the head of the family at age 16. After a year later, he was announced as high priest of Jupiter. At that point, he married Lucius Cinna Sulla’s daughter, and broke off his engagement with another girl. Caeser was forced to go into hiding, so he left Rome and joined the army. On a important siege, he won the Civic Crown. He returned to Rome when he heard about Sulla’s death in 78 B.C.E. On the way across the Aegean Sea, he was kidnapped. Although he did escape of a ransom of 50 talents silver. In 68 B.C.E., he went to serve quaestorship in Spain after his wife died. On his return in 67 B.C.E, he married Pompeia, a granddaughter of Sulla who he later divorced. Caesar had run for governor of Spain. Later, he had to make a difficult choice: triumph, or consulship. In the end, he chose consulship. He had won many battles and was a great man. Julius died March 15, 44 B.C.E. The month of July is named after him.
Accomplishments Extended the Roman Empire through military conquest Made himself dictator of Rome He used his power to carry out much-needed reform, relieving debt, enlarging the senate, building the Forum lulium and revising the calendar. He was a great politician and general He became a Triumvirate He had many victories in Gaul, China, and Africa Assassinations He led the first Roman invasion in Britain Won the civil war Made the calendar simpler
Photos Statue of Julius Caesar Painting of Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Movie Poster Family Tree
Resources Wikipedia: (Accomplishments) Google Images: oIRip1qwVh3PjM:&imgrefurl= caesar.html&docid=Nv2k_BqQ9Tt8qM&imgurl= antropology/julius-caesar.jpg&w=300&h=233&ei=- Mp1T93fL4nm2QX7up2tDQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=328&sig=118068687514238909567&page=1&tb nh=122&tbnw=161&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:0&tx=80&ty=74 tbnid=jwkwAD4A0G9QZM:&imgrefurl= caesar.1/&docid=VnvePFWllR1J_M&imgurl= 00/t517/t51732urejo.jpg&w=150&h=212&ei=Vcp1T4- fBOWg2QWX5ZCaDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=282&vpy=192&dur=406&hovh=169&hovw=120&tx=67 &ty=116&sig=118068687514238909567&page=1&tbnh=127&tbnw=95&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t: 429,r:1,s:0 isch&tbnid=rlvaMe7S3T1GhM:&imgrefurl= UcYsRhM&imgurl= Nov_08.png/1000px- Roman_families_4_Nov_08.png&w=1000&h=306&ei=Fsp1T6bFGqTK2AWTut2QDQ&zoom=1&iact=rc& dur=218&sig=118068687514238909567&page=1&tbnh=60&tbnw=195&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t: 429,r:0,s:0&tx=122&ty=19