2011 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute
Day Eleven Agenda 1.Scribe Report 2.Ticket out the Door Review 3.Teaching Demonstration Debriefs (Amanda & Kara) 4.Whole Group Debrief 5.Writing Time: “Book of Qualities” 6.Teaching Demonstration – Amy Polanco 7.“Five Lenses” Teaching Demo Debrief 8.LUNCH – Response Groups 9.Discussion: “Who are we as Writers? 10.Research / Writing Time 11.Ticket out the Door
2011 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute
From The Book of Qualities (J. Ruth Gendler) Beauty Beauty is startling. She wears a gold shawl in the summer and sells seven kinds of honey at the flea market. She is young and old at once, my daughter and my grandmother. In school she excelled at mathematics and poetry. Beauty doesn't anger easily, but she was annoyed with the journalist who kept asking her about her favorites -- as if she could have one favorite color or one favorite flower. She does not mind questions though, and she is fond of riddles. Beauty will dance with anyone who is brave enough to ask her.
From The Book of Qualities (J. Ruth Gendler) Confidence Confidence ignores "No Trespassing" signs. It is as if he doesn't see them. He is an explorer committed to following his own direction. He studied mathematics in France and still views his life as a series of experiments. The only limits he respects are his own. He is honest and humble and very funny. After all these years, his sister doesn't understand why he still ice skates with Doubt.
From The Book of Qualities (J. Ruth Gendler) Uncertainty I have lived with uncertainty for a long time. I had thought ours would have been a much briefer affair. I had no idea how intimate we'd become until you showed up. And now you are asking me to leave him, and there are a few things I need to know. Who are you? What are your motives? Can I trust you? Is it really me you want to spend more time with or Uncertainty you yearn to visit?
From The Book of Qualities (J. Ruth Gendler) Integrity Complacency Anger Intelligence Boredom Perseverance Shock Resignation Protection Ambivalence Panic Truth Service Alienation Blame Unhappiness Ugliness Devotion Inspiration Urgency Honesty Grief Sensuality Harmony Joy Suffering Change Excitement Innocence Contentment Intuition Pain Imagination Jealousy Terror Depression Greed Charm Competition Defeat Forgiveness Commitment Whimsy Ecstasy Liberation Creativity Honor Certainty Longing Intensity Worry Fear Patience Confusion Loneliness Despair Judgement Discipline Courage Anxiety Stillness Clarity Wisdom Trust Uncertainty Confidence Detachment Doubt Faith Compassion Guilt Power Beauty Criticism Perfection
2011 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute
Thinking Prompts 1.What are you learning about yourself as a writer? 2.How do you think these experiences will impact your classroom and/or your conversations with colleagues, administrators, parents, legislators, school board, etc.? 3.What are you learning about the role of community on learning, teaching, and/or writing? 4.What is/can be the role of technology in “all of this?”
2011 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute
Ticket out the Door: 1.Ideas for Thursday’s writing marathon? 2.Did you have any aha moments today?