Are You Ready for the Georgia High School Graduation Writing Test?
Important to Know: The High School Graduation Writing Test is a graduation requirement.
An Overview 100 minutes- brainstorming, drafting, editing, & revision (final draft in pen) Persuasive Prompt- you need a clear opinion supported by multiple concrete details May take various formats depending on the prompt: letter, speech, essay, etc
Strategies for Success: Be extremely specific with your details. When you brainstorm your details, ask yourself “How?” and “Why?” Show a personal connection to the topic.
More Strategies You have 100 Minutes. Use the time you are given. Be sure that you have enough time to proofread and to choose your words carefully.
Aim for “Exceeds” The highest score in any category of the rubric is a 5. So how do you go from a 3 to a 5?
3 = Average Persuasive and on topic Provides some examples to support ideas and persuade Information is very general (few specifics) Does not use a variety of specifics, facts, emotions, figurative language
5 = EXCEEDS Is passionately persuasive, explores the topic fully Provides multiple specific examples with facts, relevant personal experiences Information shows a depth of knowledge Shows a logical, effective organization of thoughts