Persuasive Speech Bellringer # Why do you think it is important to have both logical and emotional arguments in a speech? 2.Why do you think you need three points when you write a speech? Why not two or four? Today’s Target: I can recognize relevant and sufficient evidence that support the argument presented.
Persuasive Speech Bellringer # What is a thesis? 2. Your thesis should match your _________. Today’s Target: I can recognize relevant and sufficient evidence that support the argument presented.
Persuasive Speech Bellringer # What do you think is the format of a 3.5 essay? 2.What are the elements that are in a “good” persuasive speech? Today’s Target: I understand the structure, format, and qualities of a persuasive speech.
Persuasive Speech Bellringer # Directions: Use your notes from yesterday to help you answer the following questions. 1.What are the elements required to be in lead paragraph? 2.What does the acronym PIE mean in your body paragraphs? Today’s Target: I can present information, findings, and supporting evidence conveying a clear and distinct argument.
Persuasive Speech Bellringer # Directions: Use your notes from Monday to help you answer the following questions. 1.The first sentence in your conclusion should restate what two elements? 2.What is a call to action? Today’s Target: I can present information, findings, and supporting evidence conveying a clear and distinct argument.
Persuasive Speech Bellringer # Directions: Use your notes from Monday to help you answer the following questions. 1.Why is it important to use verbal indicators/transitions like, “my first point, secondly, however, finally, in conclusion,” etc. in your speech? 2.Why is it important to address the audience several times throughout your speech? Today’s Target: I can present information, findings, and supporting evidence conveying a clear and distinct argument.
Persuasive Speech Bellringer # Directions: Use yesterday’s notes to help you answer the first question. 1.What is the formula of an “Although” type thesis statement? 2.How long was your speech when you read it to yourself last night? Today’s Target: I can present information, findings, and supporting evidence conveying a clear and distinct argument.
Persuasive Speech Bellringer # Directions: Get out the speech rubric given to you on Friday. 1.How many points of the 60 point speech grade pertains to the delivery of the speech, not the written part of the speech? (See back of rubric) 2.What is the time minimum and the time maximum? Today’s Target: I can deliver an effective speech and I can evaluate effective speeches.