Weasel Bandwagon Transfer Humor Snob Appeal Create a Character Making Metaphors Create a Problem Eye Candy Ethos Logos Pathos Plan your writing: 1.What does the author want the viewer to believe about the product? (author's purpose/message) 2. What are the key persuasive techniques used to get this message across?
Craft Facts Images Colors Sounds Word choice (diction) 3. What evidence from the ad proves this?
Intro ¶: What are the two main persuasive techniques the author uses to persuade the viewer? Restate question Answer question What is the author’s purpose for this ad? (What do they want you to feel or believe?) What are the2 main persuasive techniques to persuade viewers? Body ¶ 1: How does the author use __(your 1 st choice)_ technique to persuade the viewer? Restate Answer Prove (describe exact image / words / sounds from the video) Explain how that evidence proves the author successfully used the persuasive technique to get the message across. Body ¶ 2: How does the author use __(your 2 nd choice)_ technique to persuade the viewer? Restate Answer Prove (describe exact image / words / sounds from the video) Explain how that evidence proves the author successfully used the persuasive technique to get the message across. Conclusion ¶ Fresh way to restate your thesis (belief) Sum up how those 2 techniques successfully persuaded viewers
Write a 4 paragraph essay Introduction paragraph: What two Persuasive Techniques does the author use most successfully to persuade the viewer? What is the author’s purpose? What does the author want the viewer to feel while viewing? Body Paragraph: What is one of the Persuasive Techniques the author uses successfully to persuade the viewer? RestateAnswerProve (describe details from the ad)+ EXPLAIN Body Paragraph: What is another Persuasive Technique the author uses successfully to persuade the viewer? RestateAnswerProve (describe details from the ad)+ EXPLAIN Conclusion Paragraph: Remind us what the author was trying to accomplish in the ad. State the two Persuasive Techniques again in a fresh way Sum up your final thoughts about the ad – What really caught your attention?
RAP+ Rubric RQuestion is restated0101 AQuestion is answered thoroughly0101 PDescribe examples from the ad in detail0101 P+ Explain in detail how the example/s proves it persuades 0202
Useful Transitions Similar IdeasContrasting Ideas Show Cause/Effect Or Order Ideas Logically in addition not only also as well as along with similarly together with but however although while despite yet on the other hand except for in contrast to/with unless therefore thus hence henceforth if clearly then in fact because in light of the fact that