Essay 1 : 身在香港 Insufficient knowledge and vocabulary Ref : Accessing Chinese Book 3: Unit 8 香港遊 Task & stimuli: What are the tourist attractions in your place? Where and how can you get there? What can you do there? Which one do you like most? And why?
Essay 2: An essay to introduce yourself Concentrate on 1 topic area only: Family - family members, relationship, culture, family activities … Festival - favourite festivals, significance, cultural activities, food & functions… Hobbies & interests - What are they? How and why did you get involved? What are the good (or bad) points?...
Essay 3 : My school Insufficient knowledge : do some research on No. of teachers and students, school facilities etc. Need extension of the facts: e.g. 設備完善 的電腦室, 我們可以上網或做功課 … 我喜歡我的學校因為 ( 我 ) 可以 ( 認識 ) 不同國籍的朋 友 …
Essay 4: Introduce myself The no. of required characters should be 100 – 150 The essay is more like Q & A. Can expand the description of family members: e.g. 弟弟今年十歲, 讀小學四年級 … 我最喜歡妹妹, 我們常常一起 …