+ Polypropylene lamps
+ I like this lamp because its not something you would see everyday and it is way that kids would enjoy turning pn there light at night and it is just very cute
+ I like this cat lamp because it is really cute and very creative.
+ This lamp is really cool and it is also good because you could hang it up from the roof.
+ I think this one is very inventive.
+ This one is amazing and I think they should have them in the opera house.
+ The bear is cute and is very good for kids rooms.
+ This one is very inventive and good for kids or anyone.
+ I like this because lamps arnt comon to find that are animals so this is a good idea.
+ This is super cute and anyone would want to buy one it is very very inventive.
+ This is amazing and I think that it would be a great mane lamp for a home.