Mentoring District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
1 What is a Mentor? Mentoring District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
2 “A mentor is a trusted counselor and guide” Mentoring District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
3 What is a Mentee Mentoring District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
4 “ a Mentee is one who seeks to learn and grow with the guidance of a more experienced or knowledgeable person” Mentoring District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
5 Motivated Hungry for New knowledge and skills Time to mentor Aspire to become leaders at a higher level Good communication skills Allows the Mentee visibility Is flexible and creative Love of Lions QUALITIES OF A MENTOR District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
6 Personal satisfaction Sharpened skills Recognition Information Leaving a legacy Why be a Mentor? District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
7 Desire to be part of the program Understand and be able to communicate goals and objectives with a mentor Take responsibility for meeting goals Be willing to accept Positive feedback & Constructive criticism Be open to trying new things and taking chances Review and assess progress and make adjustments where needed. Qualities of an Ideal Mentee District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
8 Basic Mentoring Advanced Mentoring Mentoring – Lions Proramme District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
9 Lions Knowledge Building relationships Basic Mentoring Program District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
10 Comprehensive Knowledge of the Club Comprehensive Knowledge of the District & Multiple District Comprehensive Knowledge of Lions Clubs International Basic Mentoring Program – Lions Knowledge District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
11 Results in Service Projects Goals orientated – club leadership/ district leadership Advanced Mentoring District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
12 Chair or co-chair a club committee for at least a year Conduct a Community Needs Assessment Develop a Club Service Project Sponsor at least one new member Advanced Mentoring – Service & Club Activities District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
13 Mutual Respect Trust Relationship Building Being Realistic Time Successful Mentoring District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
14 Knowledgeable Lions Future Leaders Improved Club performance Enthused Lions Greater understanding of our Organisation Advantages for Clubs District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
15 Improved Club Administration Knowledgeable Lions Enthused Membership Larger pool of potential Leaders Defined Succession plan Membership growth Advantages for District District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation
16 “At the end of the day, it’s not what I learned but what I taught, not what I got but what I gave, not what I did but what I helped another achieve That will make a difference in someone’s life…and in mine.” Sid L.Scruggs 111 Mentoring District 410 A Zone Chairpersons Presentation