Amit Warke Jerry Philip Lateef Yusuf Supraja Narasimhan Back2Cloud: Remote Backup Service
Outline Motivation Cloud Computing Amazon S3( Simple Storage Service) Architecture Back2Cloud Features Performance Benchmarks Future Work and Challenges
Motivation Having your own backup plan requires significant investment in infrastructure such as hardware, software and training. Local backup systems are susceptible to various kinds of failures such as server crashes, virus attacks and human errors leading to loss of data. Remote backups are easy to implement: only client side software required. Remote backups more secure than local backup systems. Quick file restore: data available 24 hours a day – 7 days a week Remote backup require an internet connection and can be accessed from anywhere in the world with the help of a mobile device to restore data.
Cloud Computing Monitor & Manage Services & Resources Cloud Administrator Datacenter Infrastructure Service Catalog, Component Library Service Consumers Component Vendors/ Software Publishers Publish & Update Components, Service Templates IT Cloud Access Services Cloud Computing: refers to both applications delivered as services over the internet and hardware and systems software in data centers that provide these services. The datacenter hardware and software is what we call cloud
Why cloud and its spectrum They provide the illusion of computing resources available on demand: eliminating under-provisioning and over- provisioning Elimination of an up-front commitment by cloud users: increase resources on an on-demand basis. Amazon Lower-level, Less management Higher-level, More management Azure AppEngine
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) 6 Distributed Data Storage service. It has a highly scalable reliable, fast storage infrastructure. Allows users to add, delete, retrieve and store files on the storage system. S3 Storage concepts: Bucket: container for objects stored in S3 every object is stored in some bucket Object: fundamental entities stored in S3 object consists of meta-data and object data Keys: A key is a unique identifier for an object within a bucket. A bucket and a key uniquely identify an object.
Back2Cloud Architecture
Back2Cloud AutoSync: background daemon to continually sync files and any modifications to it to the cloud ManualSync: pick a specific file to sync to the cloud Restore: get your files back Encryption: secure your data Recovery: backup process auto-recovers from network and server crashes Versioning: retrieves different versions of the same file
1) FLEXIBILITY Backup Anything: Specify folder(s) to monitor Servers. Laptops & Desktops running… any OS: Windows, MAC OSX, Linux & FreeBSD
2) PERFORMANCE Data Encryption to secure files! Powerful compression that ensures you use up a lot lesser space & bandwidth Resilience on failures and server crashes
3) USABILITY A backup is as good as it’s ability to restore any version of the data you need An intuitive user friendly interface goes a long way towards facilitating better backup habits.. You own and control your data You pay for only what you use Many alternatives just die ( e.g. Xdrive)
Back2Cloud- Online Access your files where ‘YOU’ are NOT where your computer is! Online Access: view and download your files wherever you are What if your system crashes or is stolen? What if you forgot your laptop on the day of a presentation? What if you want to show something on your friend’s computer? What if you are lazy or just do not want to install a new application?
How does it look?
How does it look(cont)
Operations Operations on Services listAllMyBuckets() Operations on buckets createBucket(String bucket, Grant[] acl); deleteBucket(String bucket) ; listBucket(...); Operations on Objects putObject(String bucket, String key, String obj, MetadataEntry[] metadata, Grant[] acl) ; getObject (String bucket, String key) ; delete (String bucket, String key);
Authentication, Security Authentication Verify user is indeed who he or she claims to be Achieved by demonstrating user have the secret key How? Each request include User ID, Time Stamp and Signature of "AmazonS3" + OPERATION Name + Timestamp, signed by the secret key (this is symmetric key – unlike typical signature) If the key is secret, only real user could create signature Amazon server verifies the signature Communication is done using SSL (Secure socket Layer), so user knows it is indeed the Amazon server which is at the other end This is all taken care by the S3 Client using key passed in new AWSAuthConnection(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretAccessKey);
Comparison of Cloud-Based Backup Products Product name AutosyncScheduled backup Encryptio n VersioningEnd-user managed CostFailure recovery Back2Cloud XXXXX Pay per unit of storage X Backblaze XXX Versions stored up to 4 weeks - $5/month or $50/year - JungleDisk X-X-X Pay per unit of storage - Mozy XXX Versions stored up to 30 days - Pay per unit of storage - Windows SkyDrive GB free -
Performance Benchmarks
Performance Benchmarks(cont)
Future Work Support for multiple users Capacity to share specific buckets or files with collaborators Automatic backup of currently open files Challenges Availability of Service Data Confidentiality and Auditability Data transfer bottlenecks and Scalability