1 Miss a page then put “Women and Equality” as your heading Lesson Starter In what ways do you think women were treated differently to men in 1880? List your answers. In what ways do you think women were treated differently to men in 1880? List your answers.
2 Women and Equality Create a cover page for this topic.
3 Women in Society – take notes as we watch clips. ality-for-women/3516.html ality-for-women/3516.html ality-for-women/3516.html ertisements-in-the-1950s/3513.html ertisements-in-the-1950s/3513.html ertisements-in-the-1950s/3513.html o-were-the-match-girls/951.html o-were-the-match-girls/951.html o-were-the-match-girls/951.html
4 Attitudes towards Women in 1880 Attitudes towards Women in 1900
5 Attitudes towards Women in 1880 Attitudes towards Women in 1900 Women’s place is at home Women should get married young and raise children Women responsible for cooking, cleaning etc… Single women could do some work such as waitresses, matchgirls, domestic service
6 Women at work in 1880
7 Changes in Working Conditions for Women 1880s – Present Day
8 Women and Work 1880 The most common occupations for women were: -Domestic service – working 14 hours per day with very little time off. -Sweated labour – seamstresses working 16 hours a day for 1p per hour and match girls earning 20p per week.
9 When women did the same jobs as men, they earned less than half the pay. Some women were also nurses and teachers but had to give up their job when they married.
10 Homework for next Wednesday Copy the following question at the back of your jotter: Describe in detail how the role of women has changed since marks
11 Why did working conditions change for women from 1880?
12 1. Trade Unions Women were encouraged to join trade unions to achieve better conditions.
13 1. Trade Unions Women were encouraged to join trade unions to achieve better conditions. Trade unions are organisations that represent workers. Trade unions fight to get their members the highest pay and best working conditions possible.
14 2. Education The Education Acts of 1902 and 1918 helped girls to achieve a better education.
15 2. Education The Education Acts of 1902 and 1918 helped girls to achieve a better education. The expansion of education meant more teachers were needed. 65% of Scottish teachers in 1914 were women. As women became better educated, they had a better chance of getting a good job.
16 3. The Suffrage Movement The Suffragists and Suffragettes did not just campaign for votes for women.
17 3. The Suffrage Movement The Suffragists and Suffragettes did not just campaign for votes for women. They also campaigned for equality in the workplace for women.
18 4. Women and War WW1 – Women did men’s jobs successfully. E.g. munitions, police and farming.
19 4. Women and War WW1 – Women did men’s jobs successfully. E.g. munitions, police and farming. WW2 – Women’s contribution to the war effort was even greater than in
20 5. Changes in industry after 1945 The growth of the service and light industries gave jobs to thousands of women.
21 5. Changes in industry after 1945 The growth of the service and light industries gave jobs to thousands of women. For example, secretarial and clerical jobs.
22 6. Gaining the Vote Representation of the People Act 1918 – all men over 21 could vote and women over 30. This Act allowed women MPs to be elected.
23 6. Gaining the Vote Representation of the People Act 1918 – all men over 21 could vote and women over 30. This Act allowed women MPs to be elected. Equal Franchise Act All men and women 21+ could vote. As women could now vote, legislation supporting women’s rights was more likely to be passed.
24 7. Acts of Parliament Legislation has been passed in an attempt to ensure that women experience equality in the workplace.
25 7. Acts of Parliament Legislation has been passed in an attempt to ensure that women experience equality in the workplace. Sex Disqualification Act 1919 – made it illegal to bar women from jobs because of their sex. Equal Pay Act all workers should get the same pay for the same work. Sex Discrimination Act employers cannot refuse someone a job, promotion or the chance to get training because of their sex.
26 8. Equal Opportunities Commission Set up under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 to help enforce this Act and the Equal Pay Act and other gender equality legislation that existed in Britain. Set up under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 to help enforce this Act and the Equal Pay Act and other gender equality legislation that existed in Britain.
27 8. Equal Opportunities Commission Set up under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 to help enforce this Act and the Equal Pay Act and other gender equality legislation that existed in Britain. Set up under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 to help enforce this Act and the Equal Pay Act and other gender equality legislation that existed in Britain. Tackled sex discrimination and promoted gender equality.
28 Equality? On average women earn 17% less than men. Female graduates after 3 years earn less than men. Today men still dominate the professions and key jobs in Britain.
29 CLASS DEBATE “Today, men and women are equal in the workplace.” AGREE?DISAGREE? DON’T KNOW?