Workplace diversity is no longer confined to apparent physical characteristics. Diversity includes generational differences and disagreements in work styles, differences between one employee's attitude about work compared to the idea and values of another employee.
Why Is Respect Important in a Diverse Workplace? Workplace diversity became popular, around the time Title VII of the Civil Rights Act was signed into law, diversity typically meant differences based on race, gender, color, national origin and religion. As the definition of diversity expanded, the concept of workplace diversity also expanded. Consequently, the importance of respect in a diverse workplace became an issue with which more and more employers were concerned.
How do we Encourage Respect for Diversity in the Workplace Here is 6 steps to encourage Respect for Diversity in the Workplace. Step 1 Educate yourself and your employees regarding the beliefs of others. Employers and employees should be aware of different cultures and belief systems to encourage tolerance and compassion with everyone in the workplace.
Step 2 Talk about prejudice at meetings or gatherings and prejudice leanings are not tolerated at your company. Diversity not only concerns the concepts of tolerance and prejudice.
Step 3 Take steps to reduce likely discrimination in your work environment. Discrimination is not about gender, race or belief, but also age, social standing. Put out a no tolerance policy concerning vocal harassment or other forms of harassment in the workplace
Step 4 Determine how negative attitudes against others may affect your business or the ability of your employees to work together. Discuss such issues with employees and encourage everyone to participate in workshops.
Step 5 Employ individuals of different races and cultures to promote a attractive staff of individuals. A variety of different viewpoints, opinions and attitudes may help your business achieve global diversity and acceptance.
Step 6 Suggest employees from all levels offer their ideas on increasing diversity and tolerance in the workplace. Get them on board for a company- wide change in policy and include them in the process of devising methods for handling diversity problems in your workplace.