Gender Differences and Leadership
Definition of Key Terms Gender is the state of being male or female Leadership is the action of leading a group or an organization
BACKGROUND OF STUDY due to modern life style & chaotic life changing of structural organization in some workplace/education sector globalization turned many women strive for senior leadership position in every sector thinking of people to choose the best; women ; men STATEMENT OF PROBLEM people now argue that women cannot be a good leader. They tend to say that there barriers whenever women becoming a leader. differences between the leadership of women and men in life the globalization turned the structure of organization where carrier women mostly involved in a higher post THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS RESEARCH PROJECT ARE to examine the relationship between gender and leadership to investigate which gender is more successful in leadership
RESEARCH QUESTION RQ1. What is the difference between the leadership styles of women and men? RQ2. What do you expect when a women become a leader?
SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY 1)What did people’s opinion on how women can control an organization? 2) Who would be better in organizing some job? Why? 3) How much confident level of people to trust a women in conducting some tasks? 4) What criteria required in judging the best leader?
SCOPE OF STUDY 1)The best gender in having leadership 2)Acceptance of people when the women controls some organization 3)Requirement to become a good leader 4)Respondents mainly among students, employers of government or private sector and academic learning centre.
METHODOLOGY * 30 UMP’s student ( 15 females,15 males ) * Randomly selected from various courses and faculty
Questionnaire – adults by the age of 18 to 20 years old – students or employers of government or non government sectors – 2 types of question * Dichotomous * Ordinal-polytomous Interview – Interview sessions been conducted to a few respondent – 2 types of interview *Standardized, open-ended interview *Closed, fixed-response interview
Data Analysis - All the data will be analyzed at week 7 - By referring to the data of collection, we can conclude the result.
References Muhammad Imran Qureshi Khalid Zaman, Mansor Nazir Bhatti (2011), The Impact of culture and gender on leadership behaviour : Higher education and management perspective Wendy H.Mason, Gender and Leadership Alice H.Eagly and Mary C.Johaneson-Schmidt, The leadership Styles of Women and Men, Alice H.Eagly and Blair T.Johnson, Gender and leadership style : A Meta-analysis Christine R.Gedney M, Leadership Effective and Gender Linda L.Carci and Alice H.Eagly, Gender and Leadership