The Vision and the Masterplan Hartlepool Vision The Vision is the tool used to engage the public and media Designed to start the debate about Hartlepool’s regeneration priorities Begin a discussion to identify the collective ambition and aspirations for the town The Vision details eight key areas of the town to breathe new life and create jobs in Hartlepool The key sites are the Hartlepool Waterfront, Church Street, Port Estate, Queens Meadow, Headland, Town Centre, Seaton Carew and Wynyard Hartlepool Regeneration Masterplan The Regeneration Masterplan is an depth piece of work to look in detail at what can be achieved on specific sites The work will also help us to understand how we deliver development and regeneration schemes on these sites through conversations with the private sector The Masterplan will also help us to identify ways in which we can physically link the sites and make movement between them easier for pedestrians
Hartlepool Vision- Key Areas
Progress to Date Vision launched on the 29 th January The launch event was attended by 150 representatives from businesses and industry GVA Grimley appointed to work alongside the Council to develop the Hartlepool Regeneration Masterplan. Initial Public and Stakeholder consultation held on the 4 th and 5 th August The Stakeholder workshop was attended by 70 businesses. M7 Real Estate announce plans for Highlight Retail Park Crown Buildings Student Accommodation constructed. Hill Carter Hotel acquired with investment plans linked to Vision for Church Street NMRN announce affiliation with HMS Trincomalee Development agreement signed with the Esh Group for the Seaton Carew Masterplan.
Masterplan Area The Council has a number of regeneration priorities in the Masterplan area The Masterplan has primary and secondary boundaries Large proportion of land in focused boundary within Council Ownership, relatively few different land ownerships across key areas The Masterplan area includes key leisure and retail development opportunities. Masterplan to add value to existing sites and ensure deliverability
Church Street “Church Street will be at the heart of a vibrant Innovation and Skills Quarter. Its cafe culture and thriving daytime economy centred around the creative industries will provide a dynamic link between the town centre and waterfront.”
Innovation and Skills Quarter
Cleveland College of Art and Design CCAD have been awarded £9.5m from the Local Growth Fund to redevelop their existing premises in Hartlepool. £2.5m is programmed for 2015/16. The College has an ambition to expand and aims to have c.900 undergraduates by 2017 (growth of 300 above current levels) and 1,500 by In 2018/19 CCAD aims to secure degree awarding powers and become the 6 th University in the North East and the only specialist provider of Higher Education in the creative industries in the region. CCAD has the opportunity to replace their existing 1970’s building in Church Square and expand by creating new teaching facilities and student accommodation on a new campus on the Council’s Lynn Street Depot site. The Lynn Street Depot site offers the opportunity to meet all of CCAD’s future expansion requirements whilst creating a high quality anchor development to support the sustainable regeneration of the area. New College facilities on the Depot site would create an alternative use in the street and support the aims of creating vibrancy, footfall and active daytime uses in addition to attracting additional student amenities.
Lynn Street Depot Relocation
Key Sites – Town Centre The Shopping Centre has an annual footfall of 10m with 140 outlets employing 500 people Middleton Grange Shopping Centre has new owners who have significant investment plans to improve the centre. They hope to announce two new anchor tenants in the near future with significant job creation. A retail revival strategy is being produced to provide an action plan to enhance the retail offer in the town.
Key Sites – Hartlepool Marina A number of opportunities exist across wider Marina Area including: Trincomalee Wharf – Mixed use development site PD Ports Land – Large scale opportunities in the renewable sector and is already home to JDR cables, Heerema and TWL who service the North Sea renewables sector. Hartlepool Maritime Experience (HME) Jacksons Landing
Key Sites – Jacksons Landing Key development site – Leisure or flagship mixed use development opportunity in the heart of the Marina. Council Ownership Prominence of site means ideal location for iconic building and prominent design Development of key site will add value to other sites in the Marina. Opportunity to develop water based activities. Aspiration to redevelop in the short term.
Key Sites – Hartlepool Maritime Experience (HME) HME Attracts over 100,000 visitors per year Current value of visitor market is £100m pa and supports approx 1800 jobs (2009 STEAM Data) Opportunities to grow the tourism and leisure sectors Need to investigate ways to physically re-connect HME with the town centre and other sites within the Marina
Queens Meadow 65Ha high quality modern landscaped business park which is an Enterprise Zone and offers rate relief focussed on advanced manufacturing and engineering, chemicals and the renewable energy sector. It provides significant high quality business incubation accommodation. Queens Meadow continues to perform well and 9 projects have been delivered. The latest project sees the expansion of C&A Pumps into the Rivergreen Development. Overall around 115 jobs have been created with a private sector investment of £1.7m Discussions are ongoing with a developer to build an additional 30,000 sq ft of small business workshop accommodation at Queens Meadow
Seaton Carew Development agreement with Esh signed Site clearance for the development of housing on the Elizabeth Way site has started. Negotiations to purchase the Longscar Centre have commenced. Initial public consultation on the proposed improvements to the Front have been held. The results of the consultation were very positive.
Masterplan – Next Steps Baseline Analysis now complete Retail Strategy, Leisure and Tourism Strategy, Movement and Connectivity Strategy, options development and viability assessments currently being developed. Additional Stakeholder and public consultation August/September 2014 Draft Masterplan end of September 2014 Final Masterplan and Action Plan January 2015 Developer Engagement 2015 Opportunities such as the relocation of the Depot could be progressed in advance of the Masterplan.