1 Suicide in Australia –Recent Trends– Academic English B 9 December 2008
2 Suicides, 2005, ABS,
4 WHO Suicide Country Reports
5 Suicides, 2005, ABS,
6 Health and Welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders, 2008, ABS,
8 Bibliography Suicides 2005 (3309.0) ABS The Health and Welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, 2008 (4704.0) ABS Australian Social Trends 2003 (4102.0) ABS “Australian Aboriginal Suicide: The need for an Aboriginal suicidology?”, Terri Elliott-Farrelly, Australian e-Journal for the Advancement of Mental Health, 3(3), – WHO Mental Health Country Reports and Charts – mlhttp:// ml LIFE (Living Is For Everyone) Fact Sheets – The National Suicide Prevention Strategy – prevention-strategy-1http:// prevention-strategy-1 Wesley Mission – Suicide Prevention Australia – Beyond Blue –