WEEK 2 3/3/2008Kolitha Wickramage
If governments and organizations deliver services TO clients…do you think that Clients have RIGHTs to determine the way in which those services are delivered? “Beggars cant be choosers” mentality! Social justice is about the right of the individual and also the responsibility of the individual + it also implies responsibility and duty of the Government to ensure citizens welfare is upheld and protected 3/3/2008Kolitha Wickramage
Social Justice Strategy was implemented in 1986 by Hawke Labor Government. It simply means: A fair go for all and equal opportunities for everyone living in Australia. It recognizes that certain groups of people are affected by past and/or continuing disadvantage or discrimination in different walks of life like employment It has four interrelated principles of equity, access, participation rights. 3/3/2008Kolitha Wickramage
Access and equity is now a part of a Government policy which aims to: 1. Ensure that people are not discriminated on the basis of their age, race, gender, religion, disability or sexual preference. 2. Ensure that all services, institutions, Government Departments make reasonable efforts to make their programs accessible for all. 3. Ensure all services make all efforts to address the “Barriers” faced by the EEO groups 4. Ensure that there is no harassment at work places, education institutions and in broader Community 3/3/2008Kolitha Wickramage
As a result of Access and Equity policy a range of legislative programs were set up to address the specific needs of the EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) groups. These EEO groups are: Women Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders Racial, ethnic and ethno-religious minority groups and People with a disability 3/3/2008Kolitha Wickramage
Workers need to ensure that community programs: 1. Encourage participation 2. Are accessible 3. Are equitably 4. Are based on needs 3/3/2008Kolitha Wickramage
Observing OH & S guidelines Supervision for children/childcare Food safety Venue Harassment 3/3/2008Kolitha Wickramage
Designed to PROTECT the rights of clients Standards comes from years of industry practice…from academic research…from practitioners…from client feedback.. 3/3/2008Kolitha Wickramage
1. RESPECT what does this mean for You? to be treated in a non-discriminatory way Privacy Confidentiality 2. A QUALITY SERVICE Address needs of client (according to service model, funding model and capacity) Referral if needed (supported in the process..no tick boxes!) Client feedback Make complaints and demand alternative service 3. INFORMATION Provide client with correct, updated info 3/3/2008Kolitha Wickramage
Original purpose why it was formed – mission statement FUNDING!!!!!! Matching RESOURCES with NEEDS – you cant do everything!! 3/3/2008Kolitha Wickramage
“Drop in centre” model – eg. Youth service Referral type service – usually appointment based…eg. Mental health/Counseling service, LEGAL AID, Specialist Medical Community Programs – delivered by services…that goes OUT to communities 3/3/2008Kolitha Wickramage
HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE (HACC) services Cover things like home based care for elderly and disabled, so they can live independently in their home rather than join Nursing home or Disabled home. …this cannot cover mother who is undergoing POST NATAL depression…this mother needs to be referred to a HEALTH CARE CENTRE with COUNSELLING SERVICES..but often the problem is more to do with isolation…so mum may not even come for help….services then need to use AWARENESS RAISING to do so… 3/3/2008Kolitha Wickramage