I NTRODUCTION Congenital insensitivity to pain is an extremely rare and deadly genetic disorder. It is dangerous because the body needs to know when something is not right. It stops the nervous system from feeling all pain, heat, and cold. Anhidrosis: inability to sweat (doesn’t cool your body down) If affects only children, due to the fact that they are born with it Only 85 cases in the U.S. ; Over 300 in Japan May not even feel deadly aneurysms Some kids can feel touch, just not pain I was not able to find the founder of this disease
TRANSMISSION -Genetically recessive Congenital: condition present since birth CANNOT receive it any other way A mutation that has occurred in genetic make up during formation of nerve cells These particular cells tell brain to feel pain, cold, or heat
S IGNS AND SYMPTOMS Hyperthermia (you do not know if the child has it since they do not sweat) High internal body temp. causes a likelihood of more sicknesses Overheating kills infants easily Mental retardation Low IQ Analgesia Lack of pain sensation Lack of sweating Lack of blinking Multiple scars Bone fractures Oral wounds (biting toung or cheek) Burns Reduced reflexes Overall un-intentional self- mutilation SignsSymptoms
T REATMENTS Only one treatment, no cure Mostly never works Most children die before age 3, or only make it to 25 yrs. Nalaxone: a chemical which can stop the nervous system from NOT receiving the messages in a group of cells which initiate pain, heat, & cold
REFERENCES the_facts_about_congenital_insensitivity_pg2.ht ml?cat=5 _pain_with_anhidrosis/symptoms.htm ital-insensitivity-to-pain-with-anhidrosis