BGBM IT infrastructure and collection management Anton Güntsch
BGBM IT infrastructure and collection management BGBM Collections Herbarium: 3.5M Specimens Living Collection: species Seed bank DNA bank Special collections Digitization rate: ~10% High quality images: ~ Hosting: records from 12 collections
BGBM IT infrastructure and collection management IT architecture 180 workstations 45 Linux and Microsoft Servers (20 virtualized on VMWare) 2 IBM Bladecenters with 170TB Storage 8-node Linux-Cluster used with 454- Sequencer DBMS: SQL-Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL CMS: Drupal, Wiki: MediaWiki Backups: local storage cluster and archiving facilities of the Freie Universität
BGBM IT infrastructure and collection management Collection management solutions (1) Accession System for the living collection including seed bank: BoGART (SQL-Server, Access clients) Central Herbarium Management (SQL- Server, Access clients) DNA-Bank (MySQL, PHP client) Rapid data entry form including label printing (EXCEL) Several smaller database applications not yet integrated into the Central Herbarium Management (e.g. Access, Specify)
BGBM IT infrastructure and collection management Collection management solutions (2) (Almost) all collection databases are equipped with BioCASE/ABCD provider software. Common access to BGBM collections at:
BGBM IT infrastructure and collection management Main issues faced Interoperability between systems (e.g. herbarium and fruit/seed collection) Annotation workflow Common taxonomic backbone
BGBM IT infrastructure and collection management Future plans Migrate herbarium database to an existing collection management system Candidates: Specify 6, DiversityCollection, Virtual Herbarium Vienna Testing is underway