Experimental design
Observation Observation – A process that helps gain information. Sight, smell, touch, taste, hearing – Example related to the game- There are 6 total pieces used in the game. Three are one pattern, three are a different pattern. – Example unrelated to the game- I came home from school, my house smelled good.
Inference Inference- Being able to make a conclusion based on evidence. An educated guess based on what is observed. An assumption. – Example related to the game- Since the pattern of G’s pieces match the side pattern, that is where G starts. – Example unrelated to the game- House smells good; mom is cooking.
Hypothesis Hypothesis- A proposed explanation for an observation. An idea that is testable. Example related to the game- – If P moves all pieces off of the board before G, then player P wins. Example unrelated to the game- – If it smells good in the house, then my mom must be cooking.
Conclusion What you came down to when relating back to hypothesis. You make a conclusion after observing your data. 2 outcomes! Hypothesis was true Hypothesis was false – Example related to the game- My hypothesis was correct, the first player to move all pieces off the board wins the game. – Example unrelated to the game- My hypothesis was incorrect, my mom is not home so she can’t be cooking. (revise hypothesis) maybe smell is coming from neighbor’s house.
Theory Set of related hypotheses are confirmed to be true and are related to as facts. Theories can explain a great amount of data in the natural world. Highly tested “just a theory”
Exit slip What is the difference between a conclusion and theory? In a single sentence, state your game findings using 4 vocabulary words.