CEOS WGISS-21 CNES GRID related R&D activities Anne JEAN-ANTOINE PICCOLO CEOS WGISS-21 – Budapest – 2006, 8-12 May
2 Activities achieved in 2005 (1/3) ■ Specific security requirement analysis Derived from CNES high level security requirements Applicable to a CNES designed system defined on a distributed architecture allowing users from different organizations : to work according to a collaborative schema to share resources. Has delivered a “security requirement document” applicable for CNES-like organizations (with restricted accesses) : Needs issued from « Virtual Organization » : –Protection of their resources (user data and software), –Availability of the grid infrastructure hosting their resources (for user request processing). Needs issued from providers of grid resources : –Grid resource under full control of local administrators, –Security of resources which are not provided for grids => need to isolate these resources regarding grid ones.
CEOS WGISS-21 – Budapest – 2006, 8-12 May 3 Activities achieved in 2005 (2/3) ■Chistera-Grid deployment over Globus TK4 Chistera application has been “gridified” by : splitting input images, applying Chistera processing on each worker nodes, gathering resulting image and assembly the final product. Chistera-Grid experiments - monitoring using : GRAM commands Web Services (WSRF). Based on Chistera deployment : Experiment Globus TK4 across a firewall and consequences on performances. Analyze traffic characteristics for Globus TK4
CEOS WGISS-21 – Budapest – 2006, 8-12 May 4 A Chistera processing demonstration (3/3) CHISTERA Processing Synoptic of High Resolution Processing High resolution product Intermediate product ■Integrated into the Spot 5 user ground segment
CEOS WGISS-21 – Budapest – 2006, 8-12 May 5 Activities planned in 2006 ■CNES decided to be involved in the EGEE II project (April 2006 – March 2008) as a CERN partner. ■Objectives in 2006 : Explore and experiment the Grid technology implemented in EGEE (gLite middleware and high level services), For that : CNES is setting up a gLite infrastructure as a local grid in the computer centre in order to deploy experiments, CNES shall demonstrate that this technology can provide a reliable and secure computing infrastructure for data processing (in conformance with the objectives of EGEE II project). Re-use this technology in data processing centres with huge requirements in term of CPU load and storage. The GAIA astronomy mission should be a precursor for requirement analysis and selection of high level services (job submission, monitoring, data management).
CEOS WGISS-21 – Budapest – 2006, 8-12 May 6 Test bed configuration : a gLite “local” grid at Cnes computer centre Glite1 Glite2 Glite3 Glite4 Glite5 Glite6 ■Machine « Glite 1 » VOMS (VO Management System) UI (User Interface) RGMA Server (Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture) ■Machine « Glite 2 » WMS (Worload Management System) LB (Logging & Bookkeeping) ■Machine « Glite 3 » CE (Computing Element) SC (Service Catalog) SRM (Storage Resource Manager) + DPM (Disk Pool Manager) ■Machine « Glite 4 » 1 WN (Worker Node) ■Machine « Glite 5 » WN ■Machine « Glite 6 » WN
CEOS WGISS-21 – Budapest – 2006, 8-12 May 7 Use cases identification ■Use Case 1 : demonstrate that it is possible to expand a local grid based on gLite technology with heterogeneous worker nodes in case of strong CPU load. ■Use Case 2 : demonstrate the reliability and robustness of some high level services which can be useful in our data processing centres. Job monitoring services and data management services should be examined at first and tested through experiment deployments, Security management in EGEE (VOMS tools) should be examined with regard to our security requirement document. ■Use Case 3 : analyse the opportunity for CNES to expand a local grid with external partners (case of Gaia partners which could be involved in experimentation).
CEOS WGISS-21 – Budapest – 2006, 8-12 May 8 Tasks planned in 2006/2007 (1/2) ■Task 1 : setup g-Lite components (1.5) and some grid services according to the GAIA data processing requirements (g-Lite WMS, R-GMA, …) on a very limited configuration based on recycled PC (Scientific Linux). Cnes will deliver feedbacks on setting up, installation guide and user support to the EGEE II project. ■Task 2 : analyse the security model of g-Lite and compliance with the very strict security rules required by Cnes. Cnes will deliver its security requirement document and a report on security analysis. ■Task 3 : assess the compliance of g-Lite with heterogeneous worker nodes. In this case, Cnes will prove that the experimental grid can be extended to cluster of PC (under Linux Red Hat ES 4 and Torque resource manager). Cnes will deliver a report on this experiment – cause gLite today is only certified for Scientific Linux OS.
CEOS WGISS-21 – Budapest – 2006, 8-12 May 9 Tasks planned in 2006/2007 (2/2) ■Task 4 : assess some hight level services by deploying on the experimental grid, the Chistera application which has been gridified over Globus TK4. Cnes will deliver experience feedbacks on performance measurement, functional interests, reliability and efforts to translate this application over gLite (1.5). ■Task 5 : experiment gLite UI (in DMZ) to submit test jobs over EGEEII grid – the context has to be defined by end of 2006 and according to the GAIA project requirements. Some options to be examined : Opportunity to use Gilda tools at first, Opportunity to create a new VO with GAIA partners – that supposes abilities to implement a gLite configuration into their computer centre, Opportunity to participate in an existing VO.
CEOS WGISS-21 – Budapest – 2006, 8-12 May 10 Conclusion Thank you Paul for your contribution and my apologies for not attending the meeting. For any question, feel free to send me an