Homeroom Mrs. Angel Graham-Room 22 Mrs. JoAnne Risley-Room 21 Mrs. Mary Ann Kuzan-Room 23 Mrs. Graham Social Studies Religion Mrs. Risley Language Arts Mrs. Kuzan Mathematics Science
Little Buddies Confirmation The Mass Saints Prayer The Bible
Catholic Worker We donate socks, underwear, toiletries, etc Holiday cards, prayers, etc. Focus on service to others. HOPE lunches (gym) We Need Your Help!
Map Skills Government World Geography Study of Canada, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America Project: Research and Communication Skills Study Skills Critical Thinking Skills
November 9, 2010 Library Deborah McCoy Bullying, inappropriate pictures and comments; and improper solicitation Cell phones, texting, messages Computers, ing, and websites (i.e. myspace and facebook) Admissions and employment issues
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, decimals, and fractions Foundation of integers Geometry and measurement Ratio, proportion, and percent Data, statistics, and probability Word Problems & their Strategies Graphing/coordinate plane Advanced Math
Topics Animals Plants Electricity Magnetism Lab
8:05-8:25 Homeroom 8:25-9:10Section I 9:10-9:25Break 9:25-10:10 Section I 10:10-10:55 Section II 10:55-11:40 Recess/Lunch 11:40-12:25 Specials 12:25-1:10Section II 1:10-2:40 Section III 2:40-2:50 Homeroom 2:50-3:00 Dismissal * Students may use the bathroom at the beginning of each transition.
Labeling Gym Uniforms, Sports Clothing, School Bags, Lunch Bags, Hats, Gloves, Shoes, Sweaters, and all stationery items. Being on Time – 8:05AM; Marked Late: 8:15 Dismissal Changes – Notes from both families Notes or are required for Absences, Late Arrival, and Early Dismissals, Uniforms. Behavior
Six Themes Weekly Spelling/Vocabulary Tests Writing Skills (grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, and reading comprehension) Penmanship Novels/Reading at Home Reading and Writing genres Readers’ Theater/Literature Circles Electronic Speller Model MWS-1840 Speaking dictionary/thesaurus
You will receive notice well in advance of the trip. Please check your child’s take- home folder for this information. This year’s trips include: Morris Arboretum Kimmel Center National Liberty Museum Multicultural Luncheon Saint Katherine Drexel Retreat House Arden Theatre
Field Trips Outreach Projects HOPE Lunches Luncheon Holiday Activities Guest Lecturers End of Year Picnic
Homework Book Alternate Assignment 20 Minute Rule/Homework Home Box Contacting Teachers Encouraging Independence, Responsibility, and Organization Tests – Corrected and Signed on time (complete sentence and fact) School Bags/Packing Studying/Test Schedule/Planner
Test Correction Guidelines Pencil/Erasable Ink Terra Nova - Spring