Animal Behavior 2009, 13 rebmevoN Objective: SWBAT explain how animals respond to selected stimuli SWBAT explain how behavior leads to survival to the species Catalyst: How do analogous structures support evolution? How do homologous structures support evolution? How do transitional fossils support evolution?
Agenda Catalyst Big theme of today Phototropism Cuckoo Birds
Behavior What am I talking about? Talking during class? No, but stop it. Behavior is the response to internal and external stimuli by an organism Stimulus- something that causes a behavior
Animal Behavior Key Point #1: Organisms respond to stimuli in a way to increase their fitness in their environment
Big theme of today How does the behavior increase the survival of itself or its species? I will give you 5 examples. After each, I want you to write a couple of sentences about why this behavior increases the chances of survival for itself or the species. This is your classwork for the day
Plant Behavior??? Phototropism- Growth of plant in response to light Many plants will grow towards the direction of the light Light-Left No light All around Light
Phototropism Why would a plant go through phototropism? Journal #1: Explain how plants react to the stimulus of light. Explain why this behavior increases fitness in this environment.
Types of Behavior Key Point #2: There are two general types of behaviors: innate and learned. Innate behavior- behaviors under genetic control Instincts Learned behavior-behavior that occurs because of experience
Brood Parasitism A type of parasitism where an organism tricks another into raising its young Cuckoo video Journal #2: What are TWO examples of innate behavior in this video? Does the mother laying the egg in the other bird’s nest increase the survival of the species? How?
Learned Behavior: Imprinting Imprinting- Rapid learning that occurs at young age during a critical period of development. Humans have a certain age where they need to be exposed to sights and sounds otherwise they will lose the ability to see and hear Baby geese (and other birds) imprint the first thing they see as their mother and follow her (or it) around after that
Fly Away Home Journal #3: Why is imprinting a learned behavior? Why does this behavior increase fitness?
Migration What happens in this movie? Is this learned or innate?
Insight Insight – the ability to solve unfamiliar problems in a new situation Ex: Chimpanzee and Bananas
Didn’t find that video… Look at insight in pigeons in a similar task Journal #4: Why is this behavior a learned behavior? Why does it increase fitness?
Territorial Behavior Territorial behavior- Animals try to protect their territory to enhance survival. Sometimes it occurs over food, shelter, or mates
Kangaroos Eastern Grey Kangaroos have a system where there is one dominant male. This one dominant male mates with most of the females around, because it proved to be the most powerful. Sometimes, as the dominant kangaroo ages, challengers will come to try and take the dominant spot… Kangaroo battle video
Stop and Jot it Like its Hot Journal #5: Why would kangaroos go through the stress of fighting? What happens to the losing kangaroos?
Exit Question Pick one of the 5 behaviors we saw today. Explain why this behavior increases fitness in that environment.