Animal Behavior Instinct to Learned Behaviors Bozeman- Animal Behavior 9.53 * DETAILED video review of transition in animal behavior from Instinctual to Learned. NOT needed for test, however might be helpful to some as an overview of the material
Imprinting Flight With Birds.57 ‘Critical Period’ Konrad Lorenz 1930’s
Classical vs Operant Conditioning Classical vs Operant Conditioning 4.13 Dolphin Training at SeaWorld 2.20
LEARNED BEHAVIOR VHS: Animal Einsteins Alan Alda- Narrator Hamlet the Pig (3.0) Parrot (6.0) Rocky the Seal (10.0)
LEARNED BEHAVIOR INSIGHT; INTELLIGENCE Raven, meat on a string 2.08 Smart Crows and Ravens Cracking nuts 2.15 Smart Crows and Ravens Cracking nuts 2.15 Chimpanzee Cooperation 3.46 Human Helping Behavior 2.27