Teaching With a Professor* *Or … “tips to help you survive the world’s most confusing working relationship”
Why are YOU teaching? Hint: Almost any reason can be a good one …
How are you feeling about this? Are you excited? Are you scared? Are you so overwhelmed you can’t even imagine getting to the end of the first day of class? All of the above?
Remember … You were chosen for this assignment by people who know what it requires. You have many resources available to help you with troubles along the way. Each year, over 60% of teaching assistants survive their first semester.*** *** JUST KIDDING!
Clarify Expectations! “Authority vs. Autonomy” 1. What does the professor expect of you? 2. What does the professor not expect of you? 3. What do you want and/or need to get out of this experience?
Reviewing The Course Syllabi Make sure contact information is accurate: 1. Your name 2. Campus , phone (optional) Don’t be afraid to withhold personal information “No Calls after 9pm” etc is perfectly reasonable Look for key policy statements: 1. Disability 2. Confidentiality 3. Plagiarism 4. “Academic Conduct”
Possible TA Duties Grading* Problem Sets Papers In-class work Tutoring Discussion/ Recitation Help Room Office Hours Instruction Cover professor absence Handle “Special Topics” Guest lecture “Other” Find demo materials Review/ help prepare lecture notes *Make sure to clearly and explicitly discuss grading policies with the professor!!!!
A Note on Grading Policies Pay special attention to the following: Late work policies What is the penalty for late work (if any)? Is there a re-submission deadline? When is the cutoff date for overdue assignments? Collaboration Are students allowed to work together on homework? Do student turn in their own work, or a “team” copy?
Tips for Successful Tutoring Don’t spoil the surprise!! Students are not likely to value knowledge they do not gain for themselves. Try to encourage students to self-analyze: “Why do you think X?” “How have you accounted for Y?”
Tips for Successful Tutoring Be prepared for the fact that some students may not (initially) appreciate your dedication to their learning …
Setting Your Office Hours Choosing this time wisely will save you time in the end! Plan to be in your office for the entire session You can use office hours to grade, review notes on upcoming lectures, answer student s, etc... Is one hour before class realistic? (Probably not)
Your Presence in the Classroom Be an example of ideal classroom behavior … If there is a “no laptop” policy, you might need to forego Facebook Sit near the front, if the professor allows it At least pretend that you’re interested
Covering Classes If you’re expected to cover a lecture, or serve as a guest and/or special topics lecturer: Prepare as well as you can in advance! Review your own old course notes Revisit textbooks
Covering Classes Still … Be prepared for students to stump you! Try … “I’ll have to verify that one for you” “I’ll look that up and get back to you next time” But then don’t forget to follow up on it!
Covering Classes Respect the intended content, but don’t try to emulate the professor’s style exactly You are not your professor Teaching as yourself is difficult enough!
The “Other Duties” Anything and everything related to course logistics For Example… Exam Preparation Updating WebCT info Don’t underestimate the amount of time these tasks may require!
Using Your Resources
Top 3 Take-Home Tips … 1. Clarify all expectations on or before Day 1! 2. Focus on the duties your professor says are most important. 3. “If you get stuck, pass the buck.”
Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself! Remember: Clarify expectations at the outset, and you’ll be fine.
Thanks! Good Luck!