Johann K. Brunner "Modernizing the 3 rd cycle at the University of Prishtina and Developing a PhD Program at the Faculty of Economics" Nice, September, PhD-Program in Economics (Linz – Innsbruck) Compulsory Courses
2 PhD Program in Economics 180 ECTS, 6 semester Collaboration between two Universities: Departments of comparable size. Neither Department could offer such a program alone. Started in winter semester 2009/10 Average cohort size 10 – 15 Basic idea: provide advanced education for young researchers, aiming at an academic career. Most, but not all students are affiliated to the Economics Department as research assistants
3 Overview of the PhD Program in Economics Two years of coursework. Compulsory courses in the first year. Specialized field courses in the second year, related to their PhD thesis. In their third year, the main task of the students is to write their thesis (papers).
4 First year Students have to go through six compulsory modules, each containing lectures with exercises (6 ECTS each). Idea: Teach advanded methods, provide some advanced education in core fields of economics 1 st Semester Mathematics Microeconomics Statistics 2 nd Semester Econometrics Macroeconomics Game Theory
5 Second and third year Five field courses (4 ECTS each). Selective, related to the field of the thesis. Three presentations of their own work in seminars (2 ECTS each). Write thesis (typically three papers, 112 ECTS) Acquire additional skills (e. g., scientific writing, philosophy of science, communication skills, project management, …).
6 Revision Ambitious course program, challenging for students, but manageable! Requires considerable resources (part of teaching load of professors, lecturers from other universities) Recently a discussion has started for a revision of the program, more emphasis on thesis, less on courses), may reduce number of courses.
7 Teaching Methodoloy Typically, courses are offered in blocks: - One week of teaching (3-4 hours per day) - Break of one week - Second week of teaching Much freedom for professors how to organize teaching. Txpically, a t extbook is used, but some prepare own material.
8 Exercises Important part of teaching. Problem sets are distributed each day. Students receive some bonus points if they present (correct) solutions. Some colleagues are able to offer additional tutorials (have some funding for them). Advanced PhD-Students assist beginners how to solve the exercises.
9 Exams Standard (closed book) exams in the compulsory coures As opposed to the field courses, where grading refers to the solution of comprehensive homework-problems or to the preparation of short papers. Typically midterm exam after the first week (weight around 20%). Final exam on week after the end of the second course week (weight 80%). Second and possibly third chance. By acquiring bonus point from homework, students can improve their grade
10 Evaluation Not well organized. Standard procedure via the Internet, but very low participation rate. However, students clearly raise questions and express problems within the course. Close relations to most PhD students, affiliations as research assistants. Discussions in and outside the seminar rooms. We probably would be informed if there were big problems (would we?)