4/24/2017 Health and Social Care Reform in Greater Manchester Developing a commissioning strategy for Primary Care Rob Bellingham — Director of Commissioning (Greater Manchester) August 2013
Primary Care Case for Change 4/24/2017 Primary Care Case for Change Need to reduce unwarranted variation in outcomes and care pathways Extending access to primary care Ensure focus on self-management, wellness and prevention Need to ensure integration with other services and organisations Significant workforce issues; capacity of current workforce, training now and future, work life balance Potential for increased efficiency
Key themes from a patient’s perspective: 4/24/2017 Key themes from a patient’s perspective:
Long Term Condition Management 4/24/2017 Long Term Condition Management Early detection leading to improved outcomes via systematic approach to prevention strategies Effective use of practice list based registers with development and implementation of transparent benchmarking of best care indicators Development of clear care pathways and protocols for promoting self management and empowerment Work alongside Integrated Care Teams to facilitate and promote continuity of care and care co-ordination, including crisis planning for those with multi morbidity and complex needs
4/24/2017 Involvement in care Facilitate patient access to their health and social care records to encourage health literacy and shared decision making Support a culture which fosters social responsibility and encourages patients to take responsibility for their health and well being Support the development of skills and capacity in primary care to support patient choice in end of life care
Specialist Primary Care Services 4/24/2017 Specialist Primary Care Services Develop specialist skills and services within community settings by; Encourage sharing of skills between practices and collaborative working Encourage the delivery of traditional hospital specialist services within community settings by integrated working with primary care teams Ensuring appropriate diagnostic support to enable care closer to home
4/24/2017 Access Develop an extended model of primary care which improves patient access with aligned levers/incentives to ensure delivery Encourage development of innovative approaches to access ; Skype/Email etc with development of the non medical workforce to support this Ensure improved access balanced with continuity, particularly in relation to patients with complex needs GP as co-ordinator of care
Enablers – NHS England AT GM 4/24/2017 Enablers – NHS England AT GM Coherent workforce plan within defined financial envelope to address any skills and capacity shortage Commission appropriate development and training packages to meet the workforce plan Estates strategy and implementation plan I.T.; work with existing clinically led I.T strategy and operational groups to resource and deliver required infrastructure improvements Financial levers and incentives aligned across the system
4/24/2017 Next Steps Demonstrator community process – 18 bids received. 6 moving forward in initial phase. Primary Care Commissioning Strategy in advanced stage of development Programme of stakeholder and public engagement Continued development of implementation plans – in conjunction with Integrated Care & Healthier Together programmes Task & Finish groups (for implementation) Formal launch of strategy via 2nd Primary Care Summit Weds 25th September 2013
Opportunity for Discussion 4/24/2017 Opportunity for Discussion