Our Common vision? Good patient care Supported workforce “Save 10min per GP per day”: (and others) Integration of healthcare Effective Delegation Rapid Recall information /medical/integrated
Integrated Healthcare Dr Mark Rickenbach GP Trainer and Appraiser Associate Dean Hon Professor /medical/integrated
Patchy service provision Pathways disrupted Patient complaints Iatrogenic illness The Problem Cornwell et al Kings fund 2012 BMJ July /medical/integrated
Clearer pathways Lead clinician Lead administrator Feedback route Overview Patient focus Solutions Focus on integration > organisational change Enduring Kings Fund Vize, R. BMJ 9 June /medical/integrated
Opportunity is now: change + finance Need is now: new organisations + GPs Health and Wellbeing boards Clinical Commissioning Groups Local Education and Training Boards Clinical Senates /medical/integrated
Education Share good practice Promote effective models* Build on skills Co-ordinate approaches* *Kings fund, London Deanery, RCGP /medical/integrated
Aim Integrated Care Education Groundswell Organisational focus across UK Promote Integrated Care education Encourage Lead Educators Profile Educational Resources Push for Course provision Show Research needs and publish pilots /medical/integrated
Questions? /medical/integrated