Paul’s Christ-Centered View of Christian Living Philippians 4 Iron Works Church June 28,
2 Paul’s Christological Orientation Phil. 1:21 Relative indifference to the outcome of the trial: Phil. 1:20, 26 Released from self- centeredness to focus on the welfare of others: Phil. 1:8, 23, 26; 2:28 Ability to see good where others saw evil: Phil. 1:12-14 Relative detachment from things: Phil. 4:11 He was freed from anxiety and fear: Phil. 4:6-7 His life was transfused with joy: Phil. 1:4, 18ff; 2:2, 17ff.
CHRIST-CENTERED CHRISTIAN LIVING Philippians 4 Agree in the Lord vv 2-3 Rejoice in the Lord vv 4-9 CHRIST-CENTERED CHRISTIAN LIVING Philippians 4 Stand Firm in The Lord v.1 Be content in the Lord vv
Christ 4
5 Phil. 1:27: standing firm in “one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.” I I Cor. 15:58: “be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Cor. 16:13: “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith.” Galatians 5:1: “keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.”
Agree in the Lord 6
7 Phil. 2.2: be of the same mind (likeminded, harmony) same love, united in spirit (wholehearted) intent on one purpose (one purpose or aim) Rom. 12:16: Be of the same mind toward one another, do not be haughty in mind Rom. 15:5 : May the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another. 2 Cor. 13:11: be like-minded, live in peace.
Rejoice in the Lord 8
9 As the condition of the godly was exceedingly troubled, and dangers threatened them on every side, it was possible that they might give way, overcome by grief or impatience. Hence, he enjoins them to rejoice in the Lord, even amidst hostitlity and disturbance…believers, having the Lord standing on their side, have amply sufficient ground for joy.
Be Content in the Lord 10
11 Contentment…is the inward submission of the heart John Jewel
12 the saints know that this is pleasing to God…they do not measure sufficiency by abundance, but by the will of God, which they judge of from the event, for they are persuaded that their affairs are governed by his providence and good pleasure.
What is a Christ-centered life? A Christ-centered life is one that stands firm in Christ, finds harmony and agreement in Christ, rejoices in the Lord and is content in the Lord. 13
Application How do Paul’s words encourage you? What comfort and joy comes from living a Christ-centered life? 14
Application What challenges do we face to stand firm in the Lord today? What stands in the way of our agreeing in the Lord? What keeps us from rejoicing in the Lord? What challenges us regarding our contentment in Christ? 15