1945 Yalta – Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin meet. They agree to divide Germany Stalin demands $20 million from Germany Stalin wants Polish government supportive of Soviets All sides agree to creation of United Nations
1945 Potsdam Conference The Allied leaders met in Potsdam, Germany Stalin demands Germany pay war damages Truman tells Stalin about nuclear bomb Continued conflict about future of Poland
– Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Romania become Soviet satellite nations 1945 Korea divided – Korea divided at 38 th parallel by surrender of Japan
1946 Iron Curtain – “Iron Curtain” first named in speech by Churchill 1946 Containment – George Kennan speaks of American policy of containing the spread of Communism
1947 Truman Doctrine – Truman calls for the U.S. to take leadership role in supporting countries threatened by communism 1947 HUAC – Hollywood 10 refuse to answer questions about Communist ties and are jailed
1948 Marshall Plan approved – Senate approves plan to help European nations recover economically from WWII
Berlin Airlift – Soviets block all shipments to West Berlin through East Berlin. For almost twelve months, the U.S. and Britain airlifted supplies into West Berlin.
1949 NATO (North American Treaty Organization) – NATO is formed based on the principal of mutual military security called collective security Soviets test atomic bomb – the Soviet Union successfully tests its first atomic bomb
1949 China becomes Communist country - The civil war in China leads to the creation of the People’s Republic of China, a communist nation
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