MAG Management Advisory Group, Inc. Compensation and Classification Study for Isle of Wight County Schools Administrative Staff Positions June 14, 2012
Study Purposes Conduct a thorough analysis of Administrative Staff positions and evaluate and classify the work Survey the labor market to gather salary and wage data to ensure a competitive position The resulting system should be: Internally Equitable Externally Competitive
Project Objectives Examine the Competitiveness of the Current Pay Levels relative to Market Prices Provide Recommendations for Salary Ranges Recommend Pay Administration Policies Review Benefit Levels Project Initiation – Developed project proposal, work plan and timeline. Discussed with City administration and revised project work plan. Initial Meetings – Met with City officials to clearly define the scope, goal(s), and objective(s) for the proposed study. Developed employee interview schedule. Conducted Employee Orientation Sessions – Conducted employee orientation sessions for all current employees in included classifications to develop support, and gather input from employees regarding the proposed project; as well as to discuss the employee survey/questionnaire instruments and the data needed for the job analysis. Conducted Focus Groups with Unrepresented Classes (Managers) and Union Representatives – Conducted employee focus groups for non-represented managers/supervisors to discuss the project, gather information about perceived compensation, classification, and organizational issues. Additionally, PAS consultants met with Union Representatives to discuss the overall project, salary survey, and compensation/classification issues and/or concerns. Developed and Distributed Job Analysis Questionnaires© - Provided JAQs to City Administration for distribution to current City employees in included classifications to gather job specific information
Project Methodology Discuss Compensation Background and Objectives Held Interviews with Top Staff Developed/Provided Job Analysis Questionnaires Conducted Interviews with Administrative Staff Conducted Job Analysis – Internal Equity Conducted Job Analysis – Performed quantitative point-factor analysis of compensable factors based on completed JAQs. Conducted Organizational Review – PAS consultants met with City Department Directors, Council, and Administration to discuss the City’s current organizational structure. Developed/distributed/collected a department head questionnaire/survey addressing organization and efficiency issues. Analyzed City’s current structure and developed recommendations for organizational redesign. Developed/Distributed Salary Survey Instrument – Developed a salary survey to gather compensation information from target organizations for selected City benchmark classifications. Distributed survey. Collected/Analyzed Compensation Data – Collected and reviewed compensation data from respondent organizations. Revised Pay Plan – Developed a revised pay plan for City classifications based on the results of the market salary survey, point-factor job analysis, and internal/external equity considerations. Developed Salary Adjustment Recommendations – Developed salary adjustment recommendations for all City classifications based on revised pay plan and employee longevity. Developed Draft Report – Developed a Draft Report detailing project methodology, findings, and recommendations for City technical review.
Project Methodology (cont’d) Developed Salary Survey to Check Market Collected/Analyzed Compensation Data Analyzed Job Duties and Responsibilities Developed Draft and Final Job/Class Descriptions Prepared Draft Report for Internal Review Prepared Final Report Conducted Job Analysis – Performed quantitative point-factor analysis of compensable factors based on completed JAQs. Conducted Organizational Review – PAS consultants met with City Department Directors, Council, and Administration to discuss the City’s current organizational structure. Developed/distributed/collected a department head questionnaire/survey addressing organization and efficiency issues. Analyzed City’s current structure and developed recommendations for organizational redesign. Developed/Distributed Salary Survey Instrument – Developed a salary survey to gather compensation information from target organizations for selected City benchmark classifications. Distributed survey. Collected/Analyzed Compensation Data – Collected and reviewed compensation data from respondent organizations. Revised Pay Plan – Developed a revised pay plan for City classifications based on the results of the market salary survey, point-factor job analysis, and internal/external equity considerations. Developed Salary Adjustment Recommendations – Developed salary adjustment recommendations for all City classifications based on revised pay plan and employee longevity. Developed Draft Report – Developed a Draft Report detailing project methodology, findings, and recommendations for City technical review.
Study Process Flowchart Market Salary Survey Interviews Survey Data Analysis Implementation Options Questionnaires Proposed Pay Plan Descriptions Individual Salary Calculations Internal Equity External Equity Department Calculations
Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ) E-version (Online JAQ): Click on Job Analysis Questionnaire button
Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ) E-version (Online JAQ): Select Name from Drop-down Menu; then Click Go
Administrative Staff Interviews Essential Duties & Responsibilities Job/Classification Levels Departmental Responsibilities Recruitment/Retention Issues Departmental Issues
Custom Market Salary Survey Solutions Market Manager© provides a customized salary and compensation survey based on Benchmark Classification descriptions from the current Pay Plan. Market Manager© collects salary and benefits survey information through the web or in hard copy, and produces summary reports.
Custom Market Salary Survey Market Manager© allows you to see exactly how your compensation stacks up against the competition.
Benchmark Positions Coordinator of K-12 Math and Science Curriculum Director of Facilities, Construction and Maintenance Director of Secondary Schools and Early College Director of Special Education and Special Programs Director of Transportation Chief Financial Officer Food Services Supervisor Principal – Elementary School Principal – Middle School Principal – High School Procurement Officer Conducted Job Analysis – Performed quantitative point-factor analysis of compensable factors based on completed JAQs. Conducted Organizational Review – PAS consultants met with City Department Directors, Council, and Administration to discuss the City’s current organizational structure. Developed/distributed/collected a department head questionnaire/survey addressing organization and efficiency issues. Analyzed City’s current structure and developed recommendations for organizational redesign. Developed/Distributed Salary Survey Instrument – Developed a salary survey to gather compensation information from target organizations for selected City benchmark classifications. Distributed survey. Collected/Analyzed Compensation Data – Collected and reviewed compensation data from respondent organizations. Revised Pay Plan – Developed a revised pay plan for City classifications based on the results of the market salary survey, point-factor job analysis, and internal/external equity considerations. Developed Salary Adjustment Recommendations – Developed salary adjustment recommendations for all City classifications based on revised pay plan and employee longevity. Developed Draft Report – Developed a Draft Report detailing project methodology, findings, and recommendations for City technical review.
Responding Organizations Culpepper County Public Schools Hampton City Schools James City County Public Schools Newport News Public Schools Norfolk Public Schools Portsmouth Public Schools Prince George County Schools Suffolk City Schools Conducted Job Analysis – Performed quantitative point-factor analysis of compensable factors based on completed JAQs. Conducted Organizational Review – PAS consultants met with City Department Directors, Council, and Administration to discuss the City’s current organizational structure. Developed/distributed/collected a department head questionnaire/survey addressing organization and efficiency issues. Analyzed City’s current structure and developed recommendations for organizational redesign. Developed/Distributed Salary Survey Instrument – Developed a salary survey to gather compensation information from target organizations for selected City benchmark classifications. Distributed survey. Collected/Analyzed Compensation Data – Collected and reviewed compensation data from respondent organizations. Revised Pay Plan – Developed a revised pay plan for City classifications based on the results of the market salary survey, point-factor job analysis, and internal/external equity considerations. Developed Salary Adjustment Recommendations – Developed salary adjustment recommendations for all City classifications based on revised pay plan and employee longevity. Developed Draft Report – Developed a Draft Report detailing project methodology, findings, and recommendations for City technical review.
Findings: With Respect to Market Results IWCS lags the market by 4.21% at the range minimum IWCS lags the market by 4.06% at the range midpoint IWCS lags the market by 3.96% at the range maximum Majority of surveyed positions are competitive, with the exception of Procurement Officer and Food Services Supervisor (which were under market).
Benefits Consider educational incentive pay in IWCS. Consider increased leave time for top staff hired in new. IWCS sick leave payout is limited yet financially responsible. Some agencies provide some comp time for exempt positions with O/T. IWCS health care contribution is slightly higher than the norm. Most (83%) of agencies have a defined contribution plan for retirement. IWCS has a defined benefits plan.
Recommendations Adopt the compensation plan for administrative staff. Make assignments to the positions in the new plan and advise MAG of the assignments so an implementation can be run. Review support positions to ensure that classification assignments and compensation levels are current and keep pace with administrative positions.