Introduction to Graphing Data on the Coordinate Plane By: Ms. Brady 1
Do Now M1’s get binders. M2’s get new packets. Discuss the following questions with your table group, then record your answers. What do you know about graphing? What do you know about the coordinate plane? What is an independent variable? What is a dependent variable? 2
Objectives Content Objective: Students will be able to identify relationships between independent and dependent variables using graphs and tables. Language Objective: Students will be able to explain the relationship that exists between variables using the terms “direct correlation”, “inverse correlation”, “independent variable” and “dependent variable”. Content Standard: (6.EE.9) Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that change in relationship to one another; write an equation to express one quantity, thought of as the dependent variable, in terms of the other quantity, thought of as the independent variable. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation. Language Standard: (6.LS.6) Acquire and use accurately grade- appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. 3
Graphing Activity 1 Today we will be graphing using iSense, but first we need to collect some data to graph! In our first activity, we will be collecting data regarding your resting heartbeat. We will determine how many times your heart beats in 15, 30, 45 and 60 seconds. To achieve a true resting heartbeat, we need to SLANT, with both feet planted on the floor and voices off. Try to find your heartbeat now. 4
Give Me a Beat! When I say “go” begin silently counting your heartbeats in your head. When I say “stop”, stop counting and record your heartbeats in the appropriate column. Time (In Seconds)Number of Heartbeats
Graphing Data Using iSense Log in to your chromebook. Go to Search for Project #1391 (Graphing Data on the Coordinate Plane) Scroll down to the section titled “Contribute Data” Enter “cgs1234” as the key. Type your name into the “Contributor Name” field. Hit “Submit”. Find the “Contribute Data” section on the right of the screen. Click on “Manual Entry”. Write your name in the “Data Set Name” box. Enter “15”, “30”, “45” and “60” in order in the first four rows under “Time (In Seconds). Then enter the number of heartbeats you counted for each number of seconds in the first four rows under “Number of Heatbeats”. When you have finished your screen should look exactly like the table you completed on page 5. After checking you have entered your data correctly, hit the blue “Save” button. 6
Relationship Between Variables Analyze your graph to determine if there is a relationship that exists between variables. Look at the table you created on page 6, are there any trends that you notice about the numbers? Record your thoughts below. 7
Analysis of Class Data Bring your attention to the class data shown on the smartboard. What patterns or trends do you notice? 8
Exit Slip In iSense, search for project # 1392 (EXIT SLIP) Input the data from the table below into the iSense database. Then determine if a relationship exists between variables. If a relationship does exist describe it in words and draw a model in the spaces provided below. Relationship: ______________________________________________ 9 Time (in hrs)Distance (in mi)