“…all of you are like brothers and sisters.” (Matthew 23:8, CEV) Because we are God’s Children… We Are Family! “…all of you are like brothers and sisters.” (Matthew 23:8, CEV) As God’s children at Eastside, WE ARE FAMILY! This is our theme for 2015. Being family means we have one Father, we do His will, and we acknowledge and appreciate our family relationships. We appreciate each other, deal with crises in a positive manner, spend time together, are committed to one another and communicate well with each other. But mainly, as family, we are knit together in a love that is kind, forbearing and forgiving!
We Are Family! God’s love has enabled us to become His children. (1 John 3:1) Since God is our Father, we do His will. (Matthew 12:50) We acknowledge one another as family. (Matthew 23:8-9) We accept our family relationship as the fulfillment of a wonderful promise. (Mark 10:28-31; Matt. 19:27-30; Luke 18:29-30)
We Are Family! What strong families do: Appreciation. Deal with Crises in a Positive Manner. Spend Time Together. Have a High Degree of Commitment. Communicate Well. Profile of a Strong Family Human Development & Family Dept. University of Nebraska at Lincoln
We Are Family! What strong families do: Appreciation! “Family members gave one another compliments and sincere demonstrations of approval. They tried to make the others feel appreciated and good about themselves.” As Romans 12:10 commands us!
We Are Family! Deal with crises in a positive manner! What strong families do: Deal with crises in a positive manner! “They were willing to take a bad situation, see something positive in it and focus on that.” Just as first century Christians did! (Acts 4:23-32; Phil. 4:1-4; 2 Cor. 2:8)
We Are Family! Spend time together! What strong families do: “In all areas of their lives--meals, work, recreation--they structured their schedules to spend time together.” In God’s Spiritual family, the early disciples did this often! (Acts 2:44, 46)
We Are Family! Have a high degree of commitment! What strong families do: Have a high degree of commitment! “Families promoted each person's happiness and welfare, invested time and energy in each other and made family their number one priority.” Commitment is seen in a willingness to sacrifice for one another’s welfare (Galatians 6:1-2, 10)
We Are Family! Communicate well! What strong families do: “These families spent time talking with each other. They also listened well, which shows respect.” Good communication requires Self revelation and confession Thinking before talking (Pr. 29:20) Eager listening (James 1:19; Pr. 18:13)
We Are Family! Knit Together in Love! Being a loving family… As God’s family we are to be… Knit Together in Love! (Colossians 2:1-2; 3:12-14; 1:11) Being a loving family… Takes tenderness, kindness, humility, meekness & longsuffering Takes endurance & forbearance. Means forgiving and being forgiven!