The East Area Rende Steerenberg, ps/op PS-Days 2001 Evian
The East Area in a few numbers n 28 weeks (~4700 hours) scheduled operation n 34 different users on 5 beam lines in 2000 –2 physics experiments –4 test beam areas –4 facilities for irradiation tests n >3.8 million spills delivered to the East Area n ~8.8x10 17 Protons for all user in the East Area
The Facility 5 beam lines for 8 areas in 1 building
n 4 general purpose beam lines: –T7 (south branch) –T9, T10, T11 (north branch) n 2 physics experiments: –DIRAC, T8 ( 21 institutes) –HARP, T9ext. (22 institutes) n 4 Irradiation facilities: –3 at T7 (primary protons at 24 GeV/c) –1 at T8 (secondary neutrons at 1 Mev)
Beam sharing & Triple PPM Triple PPM: One power supply can, depending on the destination, pulse with one of the 3 pre-defined values. 100% South 50% South 50% North 35% North 65% South irrad. 100% North
Major changes Auto-destination: The MTG was updated to be able to calculate the beam destination as a function of the beam request in the different zones More flexible use of PLS Combined operation: Two separate experimental areas n-TOF and the East Area are supplied by two different beams which are generated on one magnetic cycle More efficient use of PLS time
Irradiation Facilities T7 beam line, 24 GeV/c ‘high’ intensity primary proton beam Irradiation surface 20mm x 20mm typical intensity ~ 2.5x10 11 over 400ms
DIRAC (PS 212) T8 beam line, 24 GeV/c low intensity primary proton beam Courtesy of the DIRAC team Magnetic double arm spectrometer. Aim: Measure the lifetime of [pi+pi-] atoms in the ground-state.
HARP (PS 214) T9 beam line, 2 GeV/c – 15 GeV/c secondary proton beam drift chambers cherenkov TOF wall electron identifier spectrometer magnet TPC solenoid magnet forward trigger forward RPC muon identifier beam Courtesy of the HARP team
HARP’s Planning Run 2000 T9 beam line optics tested. A four week technical run with partial set-up of the experiment. Physics run 2001 Measurements with solid and cryogenic targets, 2001 physics run 2002 and beyond... Measurements with incoming Deuterium and Helium ???
T9 beam line optics for HARP Courtesy of A-S. Muller Horizontal beam size 1.28m before target as function of momentum Vertical beam size 1.28m before target as function of momentum
What will be done next year ? n 29 weeks of East Area operations: –HARP will be using beam for 203 days –DIRAC gets 171 days of beam time –T7 irrad. will irradiate samples during 67 days –About 30 user will use the East Area this year n Improve beam quality and reduce setting-up and ‘switch-over’ time n Improve documentation on the web
Future ‘projects’ n Next year: n Long term: –Three basic periods magnetic cycle ? –Low frequency ripple compensation. –Semi-automatic dispersion sweep compensation for DIRAC. –Semi-automatic dispersion sweep enhancement for the Irradiation facilities.
Three basic period magnetic cycle EASTB (2bp) EASTBISOLDE EASTB EASTB (2bp) ISOLDE PSB: PS: EASTB (3bp) EASTB TOF ISOLDE ZERO ISOLDETOFISOLDETOF PSB: PS: Total spill length ~ 1.4 sec for 7.2 sec of PLS time. 19 % Total spill length ~ 1.8 sec for 3.6 sec of PLS time. 50 % Three cycles for Isolde Example: Two extra dedicated cycles for TOF
Questions ?..or brilliant ideas ?