17.2 - Going to War in Vietnam
- Big Idea - The events in Vietnam eventually led to an armed struggle between the North and South. The United States continued it’s support because it believed the success of South Vietnam was vital in the battle against communism. Following the assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem, the U.S. became more involved in the conflict. Military aide, earlier restricted to military advisors, now included bombing campaigns and combat troops. The Vietcong surprised American troops by using ambushes and guerilla warfare tactics against the soldiers. What was once thought to be a quick military action, turned out to be a long drawn out war.
Eisenhower Administration Eisenhower wanted to support South Vietnam U.S involvement limited to financial aide & advisors Troop involvement did not seem imminent
Kennedy Administration Kennedy wanted to appear tough on communism - concerned about fall of China & Korean War Kennedy increased military aide by sending more military personnel and financial aide Military advisors went from 2000 in 1961 to 15,000 in 1963
Ngo Dinh Diem & Ho Chi Minh Diem refused to hold national elections - Minh’s people began an armed struggle to unify the nation Minh began to organize and arm a guerrilla army -Vietcong or V.C. Vietcong grew very powerful because vietnamese disliked Diem’s government & Vietcong’s terrorist tactics By 1961 - Vietcong assassinated thousands of government officials - & established control in the countryside
Ngo Dinh Diem Diem’s govt was unpopular U.S. pushed Diem to form a more democratic govt & introduce reforms to help settle people Diem introduced several programs - had little effect Program - Strategic Hamlets - fortified villages with bunkers, machine guns, & barbed Wire Designed to protect villagers & keep them from helping Vietcong
Ngo Dinh Diem cont.. Diem continued to frustrate many people / believed his govt was corrupt 1963 - Diem banned traditional religious flags for Buddha’s Birthday Buddhist took to the streets in protest - Diem’s police killed 9 and injured 14 in the protests
Overthrow of Diem Buddhist monks set themselves on fire in protest of Diem- called “Self Immolation” Henry Cabot Lodge U.S. ambassador - learned Diem’s unpopularity spread to the military too & Vietnamese launched a military Coup to overthrow Diem with support of U.S. Nov. 1, 1963 - military seized power - Diem executed Assassination made matters worse
LBJ Takes over Presidency Took over office after JFK was killed Johnson was determined to stop the spread of communism Stated “The battle against communism must be joined with strength and determination”
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Aug. 2, 1964 - LBJ received word N. Vietnamese torpedo boats fired on 2 American Destroyers Johnson - campaigning for Presidency - ordered attacks on N. Vietnamese ships & facilities LBJ - asked congress to authorize use of force against attack on U.S. military Congress passed with only two dissenting votes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - President may use any force necessary to repeal attacks & prevent further aggression
U.S. Sends Troops due to Vietcong Actions Vietcong began to attack bases where American advisors were stationed Feb. 1965 - Vietcong Attack on American base - Pleiku - killed 7 Americans and wounded over 100 Less than 14 hrs - LBJ sent aircraft to assault N. Vietnam
LBJ Expands American Involvement LBJ public approval rose from 41% to over 60% due to his response in Vietnam Most in Washington approved LBJ’s actions Some disapproved - “Once on the tigers back, you don’t always pick were you get off” - Undersecretary George Ball
LBJ - Expanded Campaign March 1965 - LBJ expanded American involvement by shifting to a “Sustained Bombing” campaign Called Operation “Rolling Thunder” U.S. troops now fighting alongside S. Vietnamese soldiers against the Vietcong
To be continued.....