Etiquette: Manners in a modern, mediated society
Cell Phones 1.Don’t text or call while driving 2.Do not take texts or voice mails when in a face-to-face conversation with someone else. 3.Don’t use text for formal conversations- invitations, etc. 4.Be aware of your tone. 5.Watch texting slang 6.Don’t get nailed with a TUI – Texting under the influence. 7.Be courteous of others schedule 8.Double check digits 9.Use discretion in what you say 10.Don’t use texting as a way to avoid unpleasant conversations that should be handled face-to-face
s 1.Use to build trust, thank, encourage, inform. 2.Don’t criticize, blame, or discuss emotional issues 3.Keep s short and to the point 4.Grammar is important – double check for spelling and errors 5.Read over your to analyze for possible misunderstandings due to lack of verbal and nonverbal cues. 6.Reply in a timely manner. 7.Don’t send out junk s, chain s, or large group forwards. 8.Don’t reply to all when you only the sender needs a response. 9.Do not answer in the heat of the moment. 10.Limit online speak.
Classroom Behavior 1.Turn cell phones to silent. 2.Refrain from texting. 3.If you must leave during class, do so quietly, and return quickly 4.Show attentive nonverbal behavior 5.Volunteer comments that add to the class discussion 6.Save questions that only apply to you until after class. 7.Dress in a manner that is not distracting to others. 8.Show responsibility in everything you do. 9.Encourage other class members to engage in appropriate behavior.
Public Presentations 1.If you must arrive late or leave during class do it between speakers. 2.Give the speaker your entire attention. No cross- talk, reading, sleeping, etc. 3.Remember to turn off all cell phones. This also means no texting. 4.Show appreciation at the end of each speech with a nice applause. 5.Be an encouragement not a distraction. 6.Show them your support with your attendance.