Nov. 15, 2008 Jay Kuo Moderator, EFCGA 1
History 1970: EFCLA 1982: General Assembly (5 local churches) 2008: 88 local churches and 5 organizations Functions Shared vision (9025, 2050) Connection Service Mission (Taiwan mission) 2
4 Annual income: 750K
Challenges No. of local churches increases significantly over years Geographic distribution is very broad Multi-languages and multi-cultural background Communication to/from local churches becomes ineffective Solutions Regional Assemblies (from 2-level hierarchy to 3-level hierarchy) Web-based ministry Conference call 5
Resource-rich vs. resource-limited churches Resource sharing, e.g., Christian education, worship service, etc. Vision Demands broader perspective and height in decision making Vision sharing, encouragement and mobilization Compliance Quality & standard (SOP) Resolution of disputes Bylaws 6
Decreasing social functions Difficult to have the joint sports event, joint retreat among southern California EFC churches Leaders unified more by common vision rather than social relationship Increasing importance of structured organization & management Good structure allows an organization to grow More effective modern communication tools Web-based/multimedia-based Quarterly conf. call, monthly video and weekly newsletters Training of new generation leaders 7
North America Southern California (3) East, Middle, Southwest regions Non-S.C. (3) East, South, Mid & North regions New Zealand & Australia (2) New Zealand region Australia region Taiwan North TW region South TW region 8
Regional mission planning and execution Regional resource/experience sharing Regional ministerial association Regional co-worker fellowship (?) Receiving advices from senior lay leaders of other local churches in the same region Preventive and proactive approach (versus after- fact and reactive approach) to foreseeable problems Development of co-workers with broader viewpoint 9
Ex Officio members Senior pastors (or pastor/minister in charge) Chairperson of church council Selected members 3-5 senior elders/deacons from local churches of the region It is preferred they are not incumbent elders/deacons 2 years per term and can be re-selected twice 10
Officers Regional Pastor-in-Charge Regional Chairperson Regional Secretary Regional Treasurer Regional Mission Director Meetings At least twice per year Can be conducted by conference call 11
Regional Assembly functions very well in New Zealand Australia North Taiwan South Taiwan There is room for improvement in N.A. Regional Assembly Where to start Regional ministerial association Mission planning 2015 Mission goal (a bottom-up approach) Can we increase from 44 to 66 (50% increase) or higher in N.A.? To be finalized in 2010 bi-annual meeting 12
Re-organization of EFC Role re-defining of General Assemblies Increasing importance of Regional Assemblies Strong General Assembly (GA) and Regional Assemblies (RA’s) will benefit EFC’s mission as a whole Mission vision and strategy Execution and resource sharing (people, money and media) 13