Map courtesy of Alabama Water Watch Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Of Factory Creek In Sumter County, Alabama Brian Burnes University of West Alabama
Factory Creek itumbi ikbi (Choctaw) - box maker Map courtesy of Alabama Water Watch
Factory Creek Lowest 1.86 miles on 303(d) list for exceeding acceptable levels of “Organic Enrichment and Nutrients” (organic matter, nitrogen, and phosphorus). Resample to collect current data and determine possible sources of exceedances.
D7 Factory Creek monitoring sites
D7 Is the 2001 data representative of Factory Creek? Factory Creek monitoring sites
ParameterMethod Air TemperatureThermometer Water TemperatureThermometer/Thermistor Dissolved OxygenModified Winkler/Membrane Electrode pHGlass Electrode Specific ConductanceWheatstone Bridge TurbidityNephelometer Stream FlowModified Cross Sectional 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD-5)EPA day Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD-5)EPA Chlorophyll aSM 10200H Fecal ColiformMembrane Filter Ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N)EPA Nitrate/nitrite-nitrogen (NO3+NO2-N)EPA Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)EPA Ortho-Phosphorus (Ortho-P)EPA Total Phosphorus (Total P)EPA 365.4
Total phosphate
42 43 Water quality at the confluence of Factory Creek with the Tombigbee River exceeds EPA standards for pH, Conductivity, Turbidity, Ammonia, and Reactive Phosphate (strong correlation to Tombigbee River).
D7 Can we find the source of contaminants by finding the source of E. coli in Factory Creek?
Retention pond Catfish pond
Water quality in Factory Creek exceeds EPA standards for phosphates and fecal coliforms during high flow (strong correlation to upstream ponds).
D7 Factory Creek monitoring sites Conclusions: Water quality at the confluence of Factory Creek with the Tombigbee River exceeds EPA standards for pH, Conductivity, Turbidity, Ammonia, and Reactive Phosphate (strong correlation to Tombigbee River). Water quality in Factory Creek exceeds EPA standards for phosphates and fecal coliforms during high flow (strong correlation to upstream ponds). Acknowledgements to ADEM, SCSWS