Upper Newsome Creek Habitat Improvement Pre-solicitation Restoration of Upper Newsome Stream Reach 3 and Haysfork Sediment Pond Restoration
Newsome Stream Reach 3
Newsome Stream Reach 3 – Stream Crossing (Bridge Provided)
Newsome Stream Reach 3 Restoration Construction Access Improvements (placement of 2 government furnished temporary timber bridges) Tailings pile removal to repository site Instream Habitat Structure Construction Repository reclamation (topsoil and brush scattered over site)
Haysfork Sediment Pond Removal of fence and existing pipe in sediment pond Plug existing drainage adits and construct new spillway Re-naturalize site
Sediment Pond
Hayfork Spillway Construction Plans (Sheet 1 of 3)
Hayfork Spillway Construction Plans (Sheet 2 of 3)
Hayfork Spillway Construction Plans (Sheet 3 of 3)
Timeline Looking to solicit contract late by February or March 2012 Implementation window is June 1 – September 30 th Instream work cannot begin until July 1 and must be done by September 30 th. Snow, high water, and saturated ground conditions typically restrict access until early July.
Questions? Karen Ruklic, Forest Service Contracting Officer