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Presentation transcript:

Your Name A + G or J Your Company’s Name MN PIE – City Your Legal Signature Today’s date All

Kay Sargent, Agricultural Chemical Consultant MN PIE Recertification Workshops Licensing & Certification Records Review DriftWatch Categories A – Core, G – Forestry, J – Rights-of-Way, P – Pocket Gopher

MN Department of Agriculture 3 Why are there regulations on pesticides and pesticide application?

MN Department of Agriculture 4 MDA’s Authority FIFRA establishes the pesticide distribution requirements –Pesticide Registration –Pesticide Label MDA is authorized by state law to regulate pesticide use in Minnesota

MDA Issued Credentials Licenses –Pesticide Applicator, Fertilizer, Dealer Certification –Private Pesticide Applicator Permits –Chemigation, Bulk Storage Registration –Pesticide, Fertilizer

Commercial Pesticide Applicator License “For hire” applications of any pesticide Financial responsibility Each individual needs a license

Noncommercial Pesticide Applicator License Not-for-hire, part of job performed on property owned/controlled by employer RUPs - Restricted Use Pesticides X X

Licensing & Certification Steps Complete License Application Form Pay License Application Fee Pass the Certification Exams –Can take each exam three times, if necessary

Before a License is Issued Provide a valid address Demonstrate Financial Responsibility (Commercial) Verify Compliance History Provide SS# Sign application form Verify Identity at Exam

Recertification attendance requirements are met before renewal. MDA issues your license. Recertification & Renewal Steps: Option 1 Applicator Renews License Annually

MDA issues your License. Retest to recertify, pay retest fees and pass exams. Recertification & Renewal Steps : Option 2 Recertification attendance requirements are not met by workshop. Applicator Renews License Annually

Look at your License A 12/31/2013 G 12/31/2013 J 12/31/2014 3/29/ /31/2012

Keep your license with you when applying pesticides

Pesticide Application Records

 Based on License Type & Use Category  Determines record content and format  Must contain all required information  Sample Records are on the MDA website  Keep for 5 years  Give to MDA upon request

Pesticide Application Records Commercial Applicators –Required to keep records of ALL pesticide applications Noncommercial Applicators –Required keep records of all Restricted Use Pesticide applications –Recommended to keep records of all applications

Pesticide Application Records Complete accurately Environmental information –Where to find it? –What is available? Sample records available on MDA web page

Recordkeeping Summary Commercial Applicators –Keep records of all pesticide applications –Give a copy of record to customer Noncommercial Applicators –Keep records of Restricted Use Pesticide applications Use the category specific records.

Written by Kevin Cavanaugh Minnesota Driftwatch Coordinator Minnesota Department of Agriculture Pesticide Sensitive Crops and Habitats Registry rg

20 What is Driftwatch? 1.Voluntary 1.Voluntary internet registry program for sensitive crops 2.For producers of sensitive crops, applicators, and sensitive habitat sites 3.Uses Google Maps® as field locators 4.Intended for commercial producers –1/2 acre or larger –not for homeowners 5.Participation is FREE


Driftwatch Developed and Managed by: Purdue Agriculture and Biological Engineering in cooperation with Office of Indiana State Chemist. Producer/Applicator information provided by their own volition Data security and integrity maintained through passwords 22

24 Public Crop producers Applicators

Crop Types Listed on Minnesota Driftwatch Map  Grapes  Fruits  Melons and Pumpkins  Tomatoes  Vegetables  Certified Organic Farms  Christmas Tree Farms 25



Sensitive Crop Registry participants may also purchase field signs to identify their crop areas. Available for purchase after field is approved. Pre-authenticated to only sell to producers with approved fields. 28

Applicators Registration - Driftwatch 1. Registered Applicators -receive alerts of new registries within designated service area 2.Provide contact information (optional) -Information hidden from public 3.Identify location(s) of interest (optional) 4.Automatic approval 5.OR: View Driftwatch website map - public viewing 29

Applicator Actions First-time registration for Applicator. In 2012 season we will have space for a second . 30

31 Pick notification areas by list of counties. Applicator Actions

32 The main goal of the applicators registration is to allow automated s to flow when producers add sensitive fields. 32

Questions? Minnesota Driftwatch Contact: Kevin Cavanaugh – MDA:

Kay Sargent, Agricultural Chemical Consultant Summary Licensing & Certification Records Review DriftWatch