Visual Art and Theatre District-Wide In-service District Learning Day Memphis College of Art General Session Part I 8:30am-9:30am
Do Now How will you begin to implement CLIP this year? Think-Pair-Share
Norms Be present and engaged. Be respectful of differences in perspective while challenging each other productively and respectively. Monitor “air time.” Make the most of the time we have. Stay focused on students.
Objectives Know- Teachers will know revisions to the curriculum, updates to TEM, and updates to fine arts growth measures. Understand- Teachers should understand that staying up to date with curricular changes, TEM, and growth measures will enhance professional practice. Do- Teachers will take curricular changes and implement Destination 2025 literary strategies.
How do we promote creativity in our classroom? Do we limit our students or do we allow them to explore their creativity?
MODELING Planning Pacing/Priority Teacher Resources Student Resources
Reflection: MODELING What resonated with you? What is similar to your current practice? What is different than your current practice? What are you going to change as a result?
How does planning, prioritizing, and resource selection look on Monday morning?
Application Create a targeted objective that you will use that incorporates CLIP Include timing and priorities How will you select resources for your students?
Reflection: Application What was easiest for you? What was most difficult? What else do you need to learn/do prior to applying to your classroom?
Next steps and activities for follow up Incorporate CLIP strategies into your daily lessons. Look for selections in My Learning Plan that target current areas for improvement. Engage in community events that displays students’ work.
Reflection: One minute paper on post-it Jot down your “Take-Aways” Consider what you need to know and be able to do to successfully implement what you have learned in this session. – What is still unclear? – What professional development or additional resources do you need?
District Contacts James Wells Fine Arts Instructional Advisor
Visual Art and Theatre District-Wide In-service District Learning Day Memphis College of Art General Session III 10:15am-11:15am
Do Now Where are you as a Gladis user? A beginner? Novice? Pro? Somewhere in between? Write down two questions that will help you improve collection and scoring (quality of student data systems).
Norms Be present and engaged. Be respectful of differences in perspective while challenging each other productively and respectively. Monitor “air time.” Make the most of the time we have. Stay focused on students.
Objectives Know: A focus will be placed on reviewing student data systems using Gladis. This ensures a high quality balanced literacy approach to instruction and results in high levels of learning for all students across content areas.
Objectives Understand: Teachers should understand those procedures and processes for developing student data assessment products in Gladis. Within the framework of Gladis, teachers should understand the concepts of targeted learning objectives, purposeful sampling, and differentiation as they relate to portfolio construction.
Objectives Be Able to Do: Teachers will be able to implement new strategies aimed at increasing the quality of student data systems. Teachers will be able to implement specific strategies aimed at increasing the quality of reading processes in discipline-specific literacy.
How do we improve our student data systems? How do we incorporate the district’s Destination 2025 guiding principles into our student data systems?
MODELING Common issues with portfolios What is exemplary? How do you use the portfolio process to drive instruction throughout the year?
Reflection: MODELING What resonated with you? What is similar to your current practice? What is different than your current practice? What are you going to change as a result?
Application Constructing a Level 5 Artifact Collection Initial Planning- relates to standards Assessing the standard Creating a purposeful sampling Two points in time Scoring your collection
Airtight Activity: Application (ie – apply to upcoming lesson) Align the activity to the objective Check for participants’ understanding Give explicit instructions to your activity Have participants give feedback
Reflection: Application What was easiest for you? What was most difficult? What else do you need to learn/do prior to applying to your classroom?
Closing Helpful websites home
Reflection: One minute paper on post-it Jot down your “Take-Aways” Consider what you need to know and be able to do to successfully implement what you have learned in this session. – What is still unclear? – What professional development or additional resources do you need?
District Contacts James Wells Fine Arts Instructional Advisor