National Forum of Disciplinary Leaders: March, 2010 Creative Arts Reference Group formed: April,
Reference group Professor Noel Frankham Chair, Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools Associate Professor Su Baker Head, School of Art, Victorian College of the Arts Professor Richard Vella Chair, National Council of Tertiary Music Schools Associate Professor Ian Maxwell Chair, Australasian Association for Theatre Drama and Performance Studies Ms Alison Wotherspoon Chair, Australian Screen Production Education & Research Association Associate Professor Kim Vincs Deputy Chair, Tertiary Dance Council of Australia Dr Marcelle Freiman Chair, Australian Association of Writing Programs Professor Ian Howard Dean and Provost, College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales Professor Jennifer Radbourne Dean, Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University Mr Martin Cass Founder and Director, JMC Academy, Sydney Professor Jonathan Holmes Discipline Scholar, ALTC Ms Wendy Fountain Project Officer, ALTC
National Forum of Disciplinary Leaders: March, 2010 Creative Arts Reference Group formed: April, Conference presentations with all of the peak bodies between June and September, 2010 Presentation at the Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities conference, October, 2010 Endorsement of Creative Arts Threshold Learning Outcomes at the first meeting of Deans and Directors of Creative Arts, November, 2010 Publication of Creative Arts Threshold Learning Outcome Statement, December, 2010 From late September to late November: 27 presentations at University venues across Australia
Upon completion of a Bachelor degree in Creative and Performing Arts, graduates will be able to: Demonstrate skills and knowledge of the practices, languages, forms, materials, technologies and techniques in the creative and performing arts discipline. Develop and evaluate ideas, concepts and processes by thinking creatively, critically and reflectively. Apply relevant skills and knowledge to produce and realise works, artefacts and forms of creative expression. Interpret, communicate and present ideas, problems and arguments in modes suited to a range of audiences. Work independently and collaboratively in the creative and performing arts discipline in response to project demands. Recognise and reflect on social, cultural and ethical issues, and apply local and international perspectives to practice in the creative and performing arts discipline. The Creative Arts Threshold Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of a Bachelor degree in Creative and Performing Arts, graduates will be able to: Demonstrate skills and knowledge of the practices, languages, forms, materials, technologies and techniques in the creative and performing arts discipline. Develop and evaluate ideas, concepts and processes by thinking creatively, critically and reflectively. Interpret, communicate and present ideas, problems and arguments in modes suited to a range of audiences. Apply relevant skills and knowledge to produce and realise works, artefacts and forms of creative expression. Work independently and collaboratively in the creative and performing arts discipline in response to project demands. Recognise and reflect on social, cultural and ethical issues, and apply local and international perspectives to practice in the creative and performing arts discipline.
Google: ‘Discipline Standards’ Discipline Scholars’ Network Activities
Discipline Scholars’ Network Activities
Creative Arts Learning Outcomes booklet. This is available as a pdf on the Discipline Scholars website:
Discipline Scholars’ Network Activities Setting standards 2. Applying standards 3. Evidencing standards
Setting standards Political Science Sociology Marketing Theology Law: Juris Doctor Chemistry Mathematics
Setting standards Journalism, Communication and Media Studies
Anon Wild Australia [Four Performers Including Women Holding Snakes And Crocodiles], s. Colour lithograph, 31.4 x 59.5cm.