Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Chapter Strategic Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment 1
1-2 Human Resource Management Products and services of HRM for personnel organizational restructuring job designing personnel planning recruiting hiring evaluating training developing promoting compensating terminating
1-3 High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS) Characteristics of HPWS evaluate large numbers of highly qualified applicants for each strategic position use validated selection and promotion models/procedures implement extensive cross training and development of new employees use formal performance appraisal and management use multi-source (360 degree) performance appraisal and feedback link merit increases to formal appraisal processes above-market compensation for key positions high percentage of entire workforce included in incentive system high difference in pay between high and low performers high percentage of workforce working in self-managed, project-based work teams low percentage of employees covered by union contract high percentage of jobs filled from within
1-4 Sustained Competitive Advantage Keys to sustained competitive advantage building and sustaining core competencies within the organization maintaining flexibility react quickly to the changing global marketplace and the advances in technology
1-5 Discrepancies Between Academic Research Findings and HRM Practice Source: H. J. Bernardin. “A Survey of Human Resource Practices,” Working Paper, 2005
1-6 Major Domains of HRM Four major domains of HRM acquiring human resource capability developing human resource capability rewarding and compensating human resources managing human resources and enhancing productivity and quality of worklife
1-7 Major Activities of HR Management Organizational Design human resource planning job analysis job design information systems Staffing recruiting/interviewing/hiring affirmative action promotion/transfer/separation outplacement services induction/orientation employee selection methods
1-8 Major Activities of HR Management Employee Training and Organizational Development management/supervisory development career planning/development employee assistance/counseling programs attitude surveys training delivery options diversity programs Performance Management and Appraisal management appraisal/management by objectives productivity/enhancement programs customer-focused performance appraisal multi-rater systems
1-9 Major Activities of HR Management Reward Systems, Benefits, and Compliance safety programs/OSHA compliance health/medical services complaint/disciplinary procedures compensation administration wage/salary administration insurance benefits administration unemployment compensation administration pension/profit-sharing plans labor relations/collective bargaining
1-10 Major Trends Affecting HRM Five major trends enhancing the importance of human resource management. increased globalization of the economy technological changes, challenges, and opportunities need for flexible response to changing business environments increase in litigation related to HRM changing characteristics of the workforce
1-11 “Management by Measurement” System “Management by measurement” system—ensuring all functional business units subscribe to guidelines for sound, strategic measurement criteria to measure performance (e.g., individual, team, unit) quantity, quality, timeliness, cost-effectiveness, effects on others productivity customer satisfaction absenteeism turnover/retention/tenure/intentions to stay/leave employee theft
1-12 “Management by Measurement” System criteria to measure (continued) violence in the workplace job stress (e.g., role conflict, ambiguity) job satisfaction/motivation/attitudes/commitment creativity perceived fairness (procedural, interactional) error rates accidents, health-related variables (worker stress, injuries) organizational citizenship behavior
1-13 The Workforce Scorecard Huselid, Becker, and Beatty (2005) state that a workforce that can execute strategy is the most critical and underperforming asset in most organizations. three challenges organizations must take on to maximize workforce potential call for the development of a “workforce scorecard” to determine how well the workforce executes strategy outlines three challenges that face a successful workforce measurement and management system
1-14 Competitive Advantage Competitive advantage—the ability of an organization to formulate strategies that place it at a favorable position relative to other companies in the industry three major principles determine the extent of a business’s competitive advantage customer value uniqueness
1-15 Competitive Advantage & Customer Value Customer value—customers feel that they receive more value from their transaction with an organization than from its competitors factors in understanding the customer’s needs and expectations particular product or service tangible variables—corporate responsibility, environmental impacts, diversity policies, political issues, and affiliation with other products or services
1-16 Competitive Advantage & Uniqueness Uniqueness—offering a product or service that your competitor cannot easily imitate or copy four mechanisms for offering uniqueness financial or economic capability—a business receives special access to financial funding or is able to produce a good or service cheaper than someone else strategic or product capability—a business needs to offer a product or service that differentiates it from other products or services technological or operational capability—a business can have a distinct way of building or delivering its product or service organizational capability—the business’s ability to manage organizational systems and people in order to match customer and strategic needs