CEOS WGISS March 2006 Update GEO GEOSS ActivitiesGEO GEOSS Activities -Co-Chair of GEO AD Working Group (one of 5) -CEOS SIT identifies 9 tasks from GEO 2006 work plan to be supported by WGISS -Possible reorganization of CEOS working groups (including WGISS) to better address GEOSS work plan tasks Next meetingsNext meetings -Budapest, Hungary, April 3-7, Annapolis, MD, USA ~Sept 2006 David Clark NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC
CEOS WGISS March 2006 update Japan: Toshio Koike, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo United States: Ivan DeLoatch, United States Geological Survey CEOS: Ivan Petiteville, European Space Agency IEEE: Jay Pearlman, NCO Programs and Technology/The BoeingCompany WMO: Donald Hinsman, WMO GEO Working Group on Architecture and Data – Co Chairs
CEOS WGISS March 2006 update
Cyberinfrastructure Initiatives of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS ) Ken McDonald, NASA John Faundeen, USGS Ivan Petiteville, ESA
CEOS - Background Established in 1984Established in 1984 Recommendation From a Panel of Experts on R/SRecommendation From a Panel of Experts on R/S -Auspices of Economic Summit of Industrialized Nations Working Group on Growth, Technology, & Employment -Need to Coordinate Civil EO Satellite Missions Recognized Cross-Disciplinary Influence CEOS ObjectivesCEOS Objectives -Optimize the benefits of spaceborne Earth observations through cooperation… …in mission planning and development of compatible data products, formats, services, applications & policies; -To serve as a focal point for international coordination… …of space-related Earth observation activities; -To exchange policy and technical information …to encourage complementarity and compatibility among spaceborne Earth observation systems and the data received from them. …to encourage complementarity and compatibility among spaceborne Earth observation systems and the data received from them.
CEOS Membership Members:Members: Governmental organizations that are international or national in nature and are responsible for a civil spaceborne Earth observations program currently operating, or at least in Phase B or equivalent of system development. Associates:Associates: (1) Governmental organizations that are international or national in nature and currently have a civil space-segment activity in Phase A/pre-Phase A or equivalent of system development, or a significant ground-segment activity that supports CEOS objectives. (2) Other existing satellite coordination groups and scientific or governmental bodies that are international in nature and currently have a significant programmatic activity that supports CEOS objectives.
CEOS Structure Working Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS) Subgroups Technology and Services Projects and Applications Working Group on Education, Training and Capacity Building (WGEdu) Working Group on Calibration and Validation (WGCV) Subgroups Terrain Mapping Microwave Sensors Synthetic Aperture Radar Infrared/Visible Optical Sensors Land Surface Parameter Validation Atmospheric Chemistry Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (Plenary ) Strategic Implementation Team (SIT) Secretariat Integrated Global Observing Strategy Partners (IGOS-P)
WGISS Objective Statement Promote collaboration in development of systems and services… …based on international standards… …that manage and supply Earth observation data and information… …from participating agencies’ missions.
WGISS Structure & Leadership WGISS Technology and Services Subgroup Projects and Applications Subgroup Task Teams: WGISS Infrastructure Data Utilization Task Teams: International Directory Network (IDN) CEOS Interoperable Catalog System (ICS) Data Services (DS) Archive EOGEO Workshop GRID Task Teams: Global Datasets WTF CEOP WTF Core Test Sites CEOS EO Data Portal Project Ivan Petiteville, Chair Ken McDonald, Vice-Chair Chuang Liu Co-User Vice-Chair Lorant Czaran Co-User Vice-Chair Paul Kopp, Chair Dingsheng Liu, Vice-Chair Osamu Ochiai, Chair Pakorn Apaphant, Vice-Chair Liaisons: ISO, OGC, CCSDS, ISPRS…
Technology and Services Subgroup Explore emerging data and information system technologiesExplore emerging data and information system technologies Improve support for data and services resourcesImprove support for data and services resources -Discovery and search -Assessment -Access and use Form task teamsForm task teams -Coordinate efforts Develop prototypesDevelop prototypes
Technology & Services Sub-Group International Directory Network Task TeamInternational Directory Network Task Team -Data and Service Discovery Tool -16,000 Data Collection Entries as of August ,250 Service Entry Resource Format (SERFs) Descriptions of Commercial & Non-Commercial Earth Science Tools, Resources, and Services. -Specialized Portals
Technology & Services Sub-Group Interoperable Catalog System Task TeamInteroperable Catalog System Task Team -Enable cross-site search of agency data resources -Protocol reuse and development EOSDIS search protocol WGISS/CIP -Gateways -“Operational” ESA NASA -Standards process Input to OGC spec
Technology & Services Sub-Group Data Service Task TeamData Service Task Team -Track IT advances that improve data access -Leverage emerging technologies OGC interface specs Web services Data service taxonomies -Prototype capabilities WSSD Demo CEOS – NSLRSDA Footprint WMS
Technology & Services Sub- Group Grid Task Team –Multiple agency Grid prototypes – Share lessons among teams – Interact with Grid community – Look for interagency opportunities –
Technology & Services Sub-Group EOGEO Workshop Task TeamEOGEO Workshop Task Team -Forum for EO and GIS Data System Communities -Developer Oriented -Highlights Tools and Services -Last Workshop - June 2005 in Minneapolis, Minnesota 80 Participants Papers posted:
Project and Applications Subgroup Task teams to apply WGISS capabilities to science and applications projects.Task teams to apply WGISS capabilities to science and applications projects. WGISS Test Facility ConceptWGISS Test Facility Concept
Projects & Applications Sub-Group WTF - CEOP (Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period) Task TeamWTF - CEOP (Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period) Task Team -CEOP - Element of IGOS Water Cycle Theme -35 Reference Sites - multiple EOPs In-situ Data Time Series and Gridded Model Output Data EO Data From JAXA, NASA, ESA and EUMETSAT -WGISS support for CEOP data integration Supported by JAXA & NASA
WTF-CEOP - NASA Contribution NWGISS WCS WCS Client Satellite Data, Swath and Grid Grads Client Grads-DODS Server (GDS) Other OPeNDAP Clients Field Data Model Output Standard Functions e.g. subsetting Standard Functions e.g. subsetting Custom Functions (Grads) OPeNDAP Request Translator Default georectification CF Attrubute Constrtuction Custom Requests (future) Friday, 8:00 am - IN51A-0311
WGISS Summary Collaborative IT evaluation and developmentCollaborative IT evaluation and development -Information exchange among members -Prototype new capabilities Interaction with communityInteraction with community -User-Vice-Chairs -Liaisons with data system technology and standards bodies Direct project support via WGISS Test FacilitiesDirect project support via WGISS Test Facilities -Service to research and applications communities -WGISS members can improve what they offer