Click to edit Master subtitle style 6/8/12 Adaptation Research Flagship of the WPCC Parliamentary Portfolio Committee June 6, 2012
6/8/ The Adaptation Research Flagship Programme Led by the South African National Biodiversity Institute, the design and roll-out of a national and regional research programme to scope sectoral adaptation requirements and costs and identify adaptation strategies with cross-sectoral linkages and benefits, including an assessment of climate change vulnerabilities in the sub- region, with a detailed scenario planning process to define potential sub-regional response strategies.
6/8/12 Detailed proposal for a Program of Action ready for final funding approval via German International Cooperation (GIZ) Addresses 8 key sectors: – Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries – Human Health – Water – Human settlements (urban, rural, coastal) – Ecosystems and biodiversity – Disaster risk reduction and management
6/8/12 Detailed proposal for a Program of Action ready for funding final funding approval via German International Cooperation (GIZ) Aims to achieve flagship-focused deliverables, with focus on maps for all relevant spatial scales: – Regional climate scenarios for short, medium and long term – National assessment of potential impacts and costs on sectors – National assessment of adaptation options and feasibility – National Assessment of costs of implementation and resulting benefits through avoided damages – Assessment of potential regional vulnerabilities, impacts and implications for the region and for South Africa – Development of useful products (e.g. guidelines, toolkits, reports, maps delivered via SA Risk and Vulnerability Atlas)
6/8/12 SANBI will coordinate national level expert teams to conduct the assessments and analysis DEA will coordinate an efficient stakeholder engagement process which will both: – Inform stakeholders and begin to provide guidance where appropriate – Gather information and leverage experience to maximise the relevance and feasibility of adaptation responses The two above processes will run in parallel, with project management ensuring meaningful coordination between them SANBI will coordinate national level expert teams to conduct the assessments and analysis DEA will coordinate an efficient stakeholder engagement process which will both: Inform stakeholders and begin to provide guidance where appropriate Gather information and leverage experience to maximise the relevance and feasibility of adaptation responses The two above processes will run in parallel, with project management ensuring meaningful coordination between them
6/8/12 Project Proposed Timeline Note “W” refers to workshops, including stakeholder engagements, “R” refers to reports, Where appropriate, reports will include an output relevant for SA Risk and Vulnerability Atlas
6/8/12 A more coherent view of South Africa’s climate change vulnerabilities in the context of the region over the short, medium and long term, including the economics A credible set of products that informs and guides adaptation options, useful toolkits and approaches, and impacts and vulnerability maps delivered through the SA Risk and Vulnerability Atlas An effective network of adaptation research, practitioner and management stakeholders who are more aligned in their objectives A knowledge base that can e.g. inform South Africa on the appropriateness of the 2 degree global goal, and that will support the 3rd National Communication to the UNFCCC A more coherent view of South Africa’s climate change vulnerabilities in the context of the region over the short, medium and long term, including the economics A credible set of products that informs and guides adaptation options, useful toolkits and approaches, and impacts and vulnerability maps delivered through the SA Risk and Vulnerability Atlas An effective network of adaptation research, practitioner and management stakeholders who are more aligned in their objectives A knowledge base that can e.g. inform South Africa on the appropriateness of the 2 degree global goal, and that will support the 3rd National Communication to the UNFCCC