Dokumentation Ergebnisse 29./30 August 2006 / Folie 1 Folie 1 Review of Project Activities Year 3 Academy of Gandhian Studies AdaptCap – Closing Workshop November 22, 2013 – Chennai
Dokumentation Ergebnisse 29./30 August 2006 / Folie 2 Folie 2 WP 1: Vulnerability AssessmentWP 2: Pilots for CCA / CCM Project concept and V&NA process explained to newly elected PRI members, LAMGs shared with PRIs, VROs/VS, Municipal Commissioners, MLAs, MLCs, RDO and CBOs, district officials ; Collector, JC, RDOs, CPO, Fisheris, Agriculture, NEDCAP authorities etc. Several meetings with the Municipal authorities and RDO have been organised for integration of cc into local plans District level workshop on climate proofing of district plans organized in Nellore at the initiation of the Joint Collector, Nellore district. Vizag district Chepaladibbadipalem – water distribution system – Completed - Arrangement of water filters – one community model and one individual household model Completed sanitary latrines in Govupet Completed stoves distribution – 80 units Solar power facility to panchayat office – work nearing completion. Prakasam district Dasarajupalli – Pilot completed Vengamukkapalem – material installed and work in progress Motumala – Work completed – Electricity connection – Govt. Sanctioned Rs.7.00 lakhs Overview on activities in Year 3
Dokumentation Ergebnisse 29./30 August 2006 / Folie 3 Folie 3 WP 1: Vulnerability AssessmentWP 2: Pilots for CCA / CCM Fisheries department and Agriculture department authorities visited the AdaptCap project in Nellore district. They have promised to integrate the other needs of these communities in their regular action plan. VDMPs prepared for all the villages Village level Task force teams took active participation in the evacuation measures during the phylin cyclone and heavy rains. The village administration and mandal level authorities took the support of the TFTs in the villages Govt. Authorities and CTF together organized events on the world environment day Nellore district Cauzeway was completed and inagurated Storage shed at SR puram completd and in use Installation of sprinkler irrigatino untis completed and inagurated – utilised for two crops so far. Evaluation has been done for all the 9 pilots in the state. Overview on activities in Year 3
Dokumentation Ergebnisse 29./30 August 2006 / Folie 4 Folie 4 WP 3: Capacity BuildingWP 4: Visibility Community level awareness programs PMC meetings on a monthly basis Meetings of CFTs World Environment day TFTs meetings Capacity building of local authorities at the district level O&M training – TOT and village level in all the pilot communities O&M Plan preparations Presented the project to solution search contest and won India specific award Presented the project to over 40 organizations including, national and international oganizations, CSRs and Govt. And non government organizations, muncipal corporations, univesties etc. operating in the national leveli n East Coast Workshop Shared with other organizations and Govt. Departments Made a presentation before all the district deparatments in the presence of JC in Nellore district Overview on activities in Year 3
Dokumentation Ergebnisse 29./30 August 2006 / Folie 5 Folie 5 [Add title]
Dokumentation Ergebnisse 29./30 August 2006 / Folie 6 Folie 6
Dokumentation Ergebnisse 29./30 August 2006 / Folie 7 Folie 7