a desktop computer a rotary phone a typewritera camera
an address bookan encyclopedia a mapa dictionary
a cameraa dictionary
a map a rotary phone
an encyclopedi a a typewriter
an address book a desktop computer
Cool! My dad/mom didn’t have / had a… When he/she was a child, my dad/mom didn’t have a… my dad/mom had a…
Thinkstock photos Flickr
Slides 2 – 3 Elicit the names of the objects on the slide. Click to reveal answers.
Slides 4 – 7 Refer students to the images on the slide; In pairs, talk about the vocabulary they can remember; Click to reveal answers.
Slides Tell students they will watch a video about the evolution of the desk. Tell them to spot in the video the objects from previous slides; Click on the link to play video; Move to the next slide to check answers.
Slide 10 Refer sts to the model dialogue on the slide. Have students talk about their parents’ habits in the past. Provide personal examples if needed.
Slides Tell students they will watch a video on kids reacting to old objects; Have students vote on the object they would like to watch kids reacting to. Click the object to be taken to the task; Click the link to play the video (up to 2’30”). Refer students to the questions and have them discuss;
Slide 14 Refer them to the images on the board. Have them discuss in pairs what kinds of apps are being shown; Click to reveal answers.
Slide 15 Refer students to the images on the slide; Elicit from sts the word we use to talk about something we do all the time. Point to the image with 100%. Click to reveal answers; Repeat procedures with the following images.
Slide 16 Refer sts to the model dialogue; Have sts talk about how often they use those kinds of apps; Encourage sts to react to their partners answers and ask follow- up questions.
Slide 17 Refer sts to the questions on the slide; Have sts discuss them;
Slide 18 Have students design their own app. Encourage students to compare their ideas and vote on the best ones.