Are We Blind? John 9:34-41 A Last Resort A Question for Everyone My Blindness.


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Presentation transcript:

Are We Blind? John 9:34-41 A Last Resort A Question for Everyone My Blindness

A Last Resort  Four attempts to foil Jesus 1. Pharisees tried to discredit the miracle 2. Pharisees tried to separate Jesus from the miracle 3. Pharisees retreated to the law 4. Pharisees threw out the blind man  The effects of a strong testimony  Confess Christ boldly and you will soon be unwelcomed  Luke 6:26 Are We Blind? John 9:34-41

A Last Resort  The blind man was kicked out into the arms of Jesus  This was a badge of honor for the blind man  Jesus is looking for the blind man  Jesus was there all along  Job 27:10 Are We Blind? John 9:34-41

A Question for Everyone  “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”  It is important because it concerns salvation  Mark 8:36  It is important because it concerns the only way of salvation  John 14:6; Acts 4:12  There is no substitute answer for this question Not obedience Not experiences Not suffering Are We Blind? John 9:34-41

A Question for Everyone  It is an inescapable question  This question will be answered either now or later  This question can be settled now  If this question is difficult for you to answer, Jesus can and will help you  Ask Jesus for help Are We Blind? John 9:34-41

My Blindness  Christ’s present judgment  John 12:47 speaks to the object of His coming – to die on the cross  This passage speaks to the indirect moral effect on everyone  To some, Jesus causes spiritual sight  To others, Jesus causes their darkness to increase  Many can believe the teachings of Jesus  But the cross becomes a stumbling block – 1 Cor. 1:23 Are We Blind? John 9:34-41

My Blindness  The characteristics of those who are blind  They have no sense of their need  They consider the teachings of Jesus foolish  They are guilty for their sin in rejecting Jesus because they know the law Are We Blind? John 9:34-41

My Blindness  The characteristics of those who come to Christ  They admit their need for Jesus  They find Jesus’ teachings comforting and reasonable  They have obeyed Jesus  As a result of the above, they find themselves growing in Jesus  They also find themselves worshipping Him Are We Blind? John 9:34-41

Application Acts 17:31 Jesus is coming as a future judge in which all men will be separated by how they answer the question: “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” How do you answer that question right here and now? Are you blind? Are We Blind? John 9:34-41