KINGDOM of CHAOS Mr. McFadden KINGDOM of CHAOS. By: Eagan, Daniel, Film Journal International, Sep2007, Vol. 110, Issue 9
Idea for Movie Where did Peter Berg find the idea? Memoir by former FBI director Louis J. Freeh Writing about 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers FBI agents had difficulty conducting investigation in such a foreign/ hostile location
Idea for Movie Michael Mann + Scott Stuber= Producers Believed it would work if focused on the criminal investigation, not politics Berg- "That's one thing I think Americans don't consider when they are confronted with a suicide bombing.” "We don't really look at acts of terrorism as crimes. We don't look past the bomber to the people who weren't caught, the people who organized and recruited and financed the bombers.”
Location Berg- filmmaker visa from Prince Turki al Faisal Allowed to spend 10 days in Saudi Arabia Closed society- no movie theatres, no public film community Able to recreate Saudi society in Abu Dhabi, U. A. E. Ironically, Saudis seemed to be open to Western culture Teens with Eminem and Jay-Z t-shirts Late-night Internet café
Cast of Characters Jamie Foxx agreed to take difficult role Chris Cooper and Jennifer Garner followed Two Saudi Arabian roles played by Palestinians from film-Paradise Ashraf Barhom + Ali Suliman Barhom won part by submitting audition tape he shot on roof of his apartment- West Bank Berg- "I always thought of this film as a buddy film between an American and an Arab.” "An unknown Arab at that, given who is available in the U.S., and someone the audience was going to have to connect with deeply. Ashraf's so instinctive, and he had to really work to understand the English in the script. I loved watching him trying to figure out what he was trying to say, because it all worked for his character."
Cast of Characters Lead actors trained with FBI students Attended bomb school near Los Angeles Difficulty finding Saudis for all the roles Casting- Palestinians, Kuwaitis, Iraqis, Egyptians Giving 15 regional accents- Berg was prepared to hear complaints about dialogue Berg- "We would have to have two Arabic translators on the set, sometimes three, because no two people would agree on exactly what was being said.”
Film’s Centerpiece Just before shooting of centerpiece- Israel attacked Hamas in Lebanon Had to cancel two-week scene and shoot it Mesa, Arizona Abu Dhabi officials wanted to him reconsider Heat- drawback in Mesa Garner fainted one time
Final Points Berg- “…The Kingdom could be perceived as jingoistic, overtly pro- American. That's clearly not the message of the film. My goal was to try to present Muslim culture in a way that wasn't inflammatory, but that showed humans, families, people trying to live their lives. There has to be a moderate Arab population, or everyone over there would be dead.” "I'm aware that audiences are cheering when Jennifer Garner kills an Arab in one scene. That's not a reaction I entirely anticipated, but I do understand it. I don't think it's a jingoistic cheer for killing Arabs because I've seen Arabs applaud at that moment too. I think, I hope, it's more a 'good guy beating a bad guy' moment.” Berg admits- "The concept of a military resolution to the problems of the Middle East is not realistic. What we are doing now is creating new generations of haters."