“Man must rise above the Earth, to the top of the atmosphere and beyond, for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.” – Socrates 400 B.C.
Historical Perspective Ancient World Egyptian (2750 BC) Polynesian (2500 BC – 8th century BC) Phoenicians (7th century BC) Greeks (4th century BC)
Trade & Conquest Chinese (1st century AD – 1400 AD) Vikings (1000 AD) Marco Polo & Arabs (~1300 AD) Age of Exploration ( 15th to 17th century AD) Portuguese Spanish French English
Pushing the frontiers Antarctic & Arctic Mt. Everest Ocean Depths Wilderness Lewis & Clark Livingston Space Science
Why explore? Population growth - search for new land and resources Conflicts in the home country Religious beliefs Conquest Trade and Gold National pride Human spirit Challenge Curiosity
What are the consequences? Change in world view – maps, concepts Acquisition of resources – physical assets, knowledge or techniques
“Man must rise above the Earth, to the top of the atmosphere and beyond, for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.” – Socrates 400 B.C.
Moon, Mars and Beyond Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Launch 2008
Why go to the moon? Learn List Train Inspire Operational test bed Mars Close to earth to try out ideas of exploration Answer fundamental questions about the Moon List Resources and their usage Train Train scientists, engineers and astronauts Develop new technologies required for a long duration mission Inspire
What will LRO do? Characterization of deep space radiation in Lunar orbit Determination of a high resolution 3-D geodetic grid for the Moon Polar region resources assessment - largest unknown in present knowledge of lunar resources